Easy Walk: Talk To The Equilibrist About Balance
Build an organization chart with lots of people? That's easy.
Allow everyone to manage their day-to-day tasks seamlessly? Hm.
Consider smartsizing your team to prevent the upcoming recession? Better call Dumb and Dumber.
Last week I was talking to a head of sales and a team leader account executive about scaling. It was about controlling flows, managing activities, and creating a pipeline of new business. The discussion was interesting because it was full of positive energy and the high targets showed an almost healthy ambition.?
But there was a downside, as almost suggests.
Do you know the kind of theoretical or conceptual conversations that get us lost? Well, this was not that. Do you know the surface conversations to say "we're doing this, we're doing that" but nobody actually understands how to do it? We're getting closer to that.
The lack of understanding of all the management activities to come up with a seamless flow of activities was worrisome. The classic SDR/AE organization was easy to talk about! Sales developers produce appointments, AEs win new customers, great. But moving from raw material to processed material, wow. Not a solid two weeks plan.
How do you continuously produce a healthy pipeline??
Do we just multiply the organization by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...10 to have 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...10 times results? Hmm.
Surface traps. It's easy to talk about the organization to hide behind a forest of men who have come for growth. If there is no one to ensure the continuity of production of commercial activities from scratch, and then in the creation of virtuous loops towards account management and customer success, the control of growth and its impact is in danger.
In pre-recession times, having a solid plan becomes a matter of business survival, and having the right people too. How do you smartsize your teams to ensure the sustainability of your recruitments without risking a failure of commercial activities?
Feel free to leave a comment, react with an experience, or share with someone.
2006 Exit - Been Helping Founders and Reps with Customer Acquisition and Retention Ever Since
2 年Pierre Le Pennec ★★★★★ Sometimes managers feel the need to 'push' SDRs & AEs to do more behavior (i.e. outreach). What would happen if managers taught them about attraction? How to share a story that will attract more prospects like they're already talking with? Wouldn't they then be 'pulled' to do more behavior by people that actually want to talk with them? Wouldn't that increase the quality and velocity of contacts? I'll share two recent examples. https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/rickroberge_ama-w-rick-roberge-activity-6954901875754225664-mDQ7 https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/ivolan_networking-careerdevelopment-rainmaker-activity-6953673827901919232-Dggk