Easy Tricks to Befriend Your Anger

Easy Tricks to Befriend Your Anger

Welcoming all of your emotions. Sooner or later we all realize how regrettable we are about our anger and the actions done in it. Anger is an emotion that literally takes away our sense of accepting and being positive. It's like a black hole that just keeps rumbling inside us. It not only distresses us but also affects our health.

Anger Stories – and why I think we need to befriend it

I have heard and seen so many stories at every corner I have traveled to and needless to say all of them are devastating, full of regrets, and unfinished. People in angry moods have taken it out but differently. Different as they have affected themselves, their health with it.

Few instances that I’d like to pen down here;

  1. people tend to take anger out by not eating, this is a common one. Teens do a lot, they don’t eat and let anger fill in them.
  2. Anger turned into violence. Yes, this happens everywhere adults, teens everyone. They either break stuff or beat the ones they love.
  3. The ability to escape, to see light, to be positive is lost within them.
  4. Finding every little thing negative, revengeful, and torture.

These stories are relatable I am sure. Anger just hollows us inside. It makes us insecure and lacks our ability to move forward, confidence in us, and a positive attitude at large. All truth to this, we even lose many friends, and relations because of our anger problem.

Rant Out - without breaking stuff and losing people

Taking the emotion out is always a good idea but how you do it is essential to grip. Rant out by doing:

  1. Singing – Bring yourself to sing, listen to a song that is your escape, and flow with it.
  2. Writing – Write down your thoughts. Tell yourself 101 things that make you happy and forget that one thing that was holding your anger.
  3. Sharing – Call a friend who understands you and share it. Let it be out of you and then shut the door for the anger. Let it go.

How to Befriend Anger

  1. Breathe and be with it - take deep breaths, it actually helps. Gives your mind a sense of calmness. Plus, it distracts you a bit from your angry feeling.
  2. Make amends – tell yourself you do not need to remain angry. You need a better emotion to feel. You need yourself to see a bigger picture and feel the depth of your own happiness.
  3. Walk away and feel it – what’s done is done, it cannot be undone. So, deal with it and walk away. Instead of ranting out or losing people in your life just settle yourself down. Be a giver person than a revenge-angery one.
  4. Draw a boundary – do’s and don’ts for when you are angry. Do not stop eating. Do not be violent. Do not let the anger sit in you. Do calm yourself. Do your best to avoid it. Do the counting.

Remember, Anger is one letter short of Danger. Do comment on what you do when you are angry, let us all just set it out and be free!


