Easy Steps For Court Approval Of Structured Minor’s Compensation
Attorneys often ask us, “How do I incorporate structured settlement annuity language for a minor into a petition to the court?” The answer is simple.
--Our office provides all the paperwork to include with the petition/order that the court needs.
--If using form MC 350, the attorney of record needs to check box 18a(3)(b) and attach our paperwork to the petition. For form MC 351, box 8b(2) needs to be marked and the paperwork attached.
That’s it.? Once approved by the court, the annuity for the minor can be purchased by the defendant/insurer.
By attaching our paperwork, the judge sees which life company the annuity is being placed with, the rating of the life company, the schedule of payment(s) and costs. This enables a smooth transaction between the court and the life company.
Please contact us with any questions.
Nick Schuetze & Pat Farber