Easy to share and collaborate -Minds & Machines - Dr.sAs

Easy to share and collaborate -Minds & Machines - Dr.sAs

Minds & Machines.

Now IT sees the Business and compliances as its blockage, now IT chooses the secured ways to drive and compute It.  The Global markets and the local environments going More & More Digital, even the governments related Recovery Schemes & the committed products will be received by the common normal man, if he is digitally equipped to communicate collaborate and compute IT. Now this is the chance to change the choice of Digital Technology to build what the normal common man would want, based on the emerging new unique localized Technologies, which is affordable and available from some external environments.

The real rural opportunity is to start a new Customer digital business, since the supply and demand will create the pulse of new opportunity. The post covid 19 will replace the traditional ways of current working with the new methods and models using the re-skill multi-tasking reinvent our own self and pivot into multiple new occupation will be visible and force seen best placed. Being an ITians change after covid 19 settles down, let us make a choice of change to challenge as one door closes, another one opens for Us, the past has demonstrated very clearly with every huge crisis comes always with the beginnings of future chance of opening an opportunity. 

An unknown Ethics to Understand from a known Epics. This article I would want to dedicate to those for My Media Friends, who inspired me a lot to read & write such a lively substance which creates a unique value in our forced social Distancing Community that too during this lock down & after Post Covid 19.

SURE & SHould Create a New Chapter which unfolds for a New Story to be written or told. We are always set to flourish & celebrate a Fresh Start after every sad time is pass by.  A New UN-Stoppable Journey with a lockdown for more than 100 Hundred Days and a Great Beginning and a brighter Future is expected Ahead. We all are happy to share with this new world of humanity with a compilation of Ideas to inspire, bring a smile and reaffirm the power of Belief Behaviour Binary Business Best Benefits.

In digital Future Let all of us First Fill our Live Long Love Life’s with Laughter, good health & desired wealth to create a tapestry of good memories woven by the treads of home alone and feel to be Family togetherness. The scope of such Elements initiates with E-business where It uses less of Electronics and delivers More & More of faced Emotions. Create a value and meaning of live long love life with Expected Emotions. The way the entire world was forced to move towards the affected people and running towards getting out of huge problem not to lose furthermore any living beings just like that.

The entire digital world seems to be stopped and felt how we shall drive towards the healthy future. Created as many positives and build the expectations to serve and deliver the best. Time & Tide to let the Humanity Digital Transformation do its own Compute job. In good olden days & Maximum Times, the Corporate End Users Continue to Complain about IT being a Discomfort Powered Pain Point. But during quarantine the entire shift from End users to feel and listen to understand IT is the only way for both individual and the corporate to survive in this medical crisis.

Now IT sees the Business and compliances as its blockage, now IT chooses the secured ways to drive and compute It.  The Global markets and the local environments going More & More Digital, even the governments related Recovery Schemes & the committed products will be received by the common normal man, if he is digitally equipped to communicate collaborate and compute IT. Now this is the chance to change the choice of Digital Technology to build what the normal common man would want, based on the emerging new unique localized Technologies, which is affordable and available from some external environments.

At least now, we should listen to understand to align IT & Business keeping in mind the End Customer fundamentally related Basics, almost cleared clarified and merged to local aspirations. The lockdown at put us into so many best ways to go ahead with IT stitches Business perfect combination. By stitch exactly the final interest we would want to do for ever never give up. Now IT update and upgrades the Real Rural Business by feeding those areas of Customer IT.

This stitch between business & IT wouldn’t be so easy or possible without Customer IT impacting Corporate IT. The Research states main by improving the IT couldn’t be possible without breaking on going IT Stitch Business moving from Corporate Digital to Customer Digital. The Real Rural Art of living on humanity transformed after this lockdown a lot in the mind sets of maximum Corporate Community. The current scenarios have choice to change the challenge, not to mention, but the fact is the business base owned from internal technology was converted and transformed digitally to external technology which isn’t owned and mastered earlier now it is happening.

Even though a tough thought to Consumer IT allows the Creation of New Unique Customer IT stitch with business opportunities irrespective of the remote rural nature, the customer IT is the “Only” way of life to a Technological Means and ways of design to compute upon. Good olden days, it was debated to identify the tech which should force to get used because of the cost, or model, or the culture, or no technology or even the attitude towards technology. But in addition the above and beyond now after covid 19, the research states, this Customer IT has changed the entire IT demands and needs, even the dependable IT Infra-structure.

IT Model towards End Customer IT is going to be very unique and different in our Country. The Customer IT will create a Stable and dependable sustainable forced Digital Business which has to be re-designed for its own for the new Customer IT. The lockdown and the covid 19 effort has change the choice of the Business create challenge design to a new start up re-connection or re-join the decoupling set forced accepted methodology.

The Customer IT is going to be more relevant & Realistic & as possible not dishonoured by current mind sets of the people and adoptable possibilities made by the specific implementation’s with more constraint’s.   The future is going to go the way the frustrations are created and solved or addressed. The real rural business supported by Several enablers and connecters with all the entities or the logistics purely corporate IT will change to Customer IT. Based on the basics created by the choice of challenge and change described as part of the system as well.

The new dictionary of the process policy procedures with compliance and Governance will be re-written and re-created for the new business IT stitched activity. Further the new dictionary computed of how IT stitched Business activities displayed and consumed part of all the entities enable similar technology basic solutions after covid 19. The Start-ups and Entrepreneurs from a Corporate It merge towards Originality, Creativity IT standpoint, all will go through a revision of set of rules from the IT stitched Business golden book with the revised description for all the entities enabled and empowered by the said digital enablers. After post Covid 19 surely the IT Stitch Business is going to be more Transparent both the Consumer & Corporate.

Which will empower and enable the business won’t get bothered by the customer IT. The new game will force the business and commercial enablers demand as need to change their own design and start following to their new revised said set own principles specific to governance of Customer IT. Enterprise main said purpose is Business even though the current covid 19 as transformed the humanity to understand and appreciate business isn’t the only everything within the enterprise, Customer IT is going to be beyond that, in future using the Customer IT.

The major business and the main Enterprise possibilities opportunities are more going to be in sink and related Rational Bid Big Databases. Enterprise Enablers need their future new design and fix their cultural principles with the specific compliance & governance as part of the same. The covid 19 has demonstrated to all of us to do the business job itself is going to be a big business. The Get-up-and-go Enterprise Customer IT Architecture re-engineering of Business after covid 19 on Business Architecture will ensure the share and care of the unique Enterprise with the watchful about the introductory Initial subject which defines our own self approach to all the internal and external collaboration cooperation association with Customer IT and rationality consistency coherence with fixed customer IT.

Always the revised Enterprise Architecture focussing the Customer IT as the new environment which allows More and More Minds and Machines to work together and co-creation of covid 19 Customer IT...  the corporates will continue to follow and wont opposed to this restructure, both Internally & Externally the Corporate IT will Nested into Customer It.  Only in Crisis, IT moves up in the ladder and several endless reasons, Technology is powerful when it is put to test. So let’s try to get the things set right from the post covid 19.

In future logically a lot more & More business based on the deployments, the customer IT has to establish and deeply ensured all basics set right and installed. Similar way listens to understand the real rural value of Customer IT which comes from the outcomes with the tested meaning. Customer IT the revised IT Considering Conceiving Self-control correction discipline. The future Post Covid 19 the real Rural Customer IT is the Movement of Giving & Taking characters and arrangement Building Set Structures to an element or point or article, by incorporating mixing integrating more means and ways towards the faced restrictions & limitations and to help and aid to serve a resolution of purposeful determination.

For all the ITians, now is an exceptional time and tide to explore a new said path transitioning to multiple different professions. Starting a new business to multiple profit positions. It’s purely and surely the great time for individual personality’s choice to change the challenge. After the post covid 19, this is the major disruption in the World Economy, is the perfect time to consider a positive change. It’s the right relevant time to revisit our own self skills & see how we can realign our own self to the disaster market dynamic demand.

The real rural opportunity is to start a new Customer digital business, since the supply and demand will create the pulse of new opportunity. The post covid 19 will replace the traditional ways of current working with the new methods and models using the re-skill multi-tasking reinvent our own self and pivot into multiple new occupation will be visible and force seen best placed. Being an ITians change after covid 19 settles down, let us make a choice of change to challenge as one door closes, another one opens for Us, the past has demonstrated very clearly with every huge crisis comes always with the beginnings of future chance of opening an opportunity. 

Considering the good amount of time for Quarantine forces all of us for a choice of change to challenge. The lock down as created the necessity acts involve finding a unique live long love life a meaning and calculated Risk with purpose. This is the right time, if we are really skilled and our dreams do have passionate about, & the value what we bring to this tasks. We will be really surprise to know about our own self built over so many years realizing 24/7 commitment. Post covid 19, let the discovery process of identifying own self, scan the dynamic market with the expected global economy moving with several movements and covid 19 created new styles trends & opportunities do exist.

Try to decide on your potentials which is related an we can contribute more is the exception to be tested. Let us create multiple plans to work out upon to create a brand of our own fitting into multiple areas.  Let us work out a strategy on the great values we do possess and why what how and when the unique differentiator compared best than others. Create an effective positive individual with elastic, flexible, innovative disruptive fitting into multiple walls & blocks. Let us capitalize on the available and affordable opportunities. Let us try starting very small within the calculated limiting risk. Let us plan properly to pursue our passion.

Planet People Purpose Processes, creates us Visionary to guide & help each & everyone to reach their Un tapped Targets to move close to their goals or Destiny with multi facts Dreamed Audiences with the breaking highlighted News... – Dr. sAs


Dr. Suresh A Shan.

Researcher-Academics Vs Industry, Technology Lead Architect in Computer Data Science Advisor, Mentor-Rural Simplicity & Urban Complexity,

Vice Chairman Cum Chairman Elect Computer Society of India CSI Mumbai Chapter.


Dr. Suresh A Shan MD CEO- AICTE/NAAC/NEP/NBFC/BFSI Researche-Speake-Influence-Innovato-Mento-Autho-R)的更多文章

