Easy Multiple Revisions, Lower Cost and Zero Errors with Work share Compare!
Lion Amirr Virani
LegalTech Evangelist |Lex Falcon LegalTechProvider Award 2022 |Author of 15 Books on Tech & Business |Thought Leader|Social Entrepreneur| Host@Koffee Conversation: 300+ Episodes | Technology Committe Member, IFCCI
In the digital world, everywhere you turn, you will hear the words ‘Content is king’.
But have you ever heard the words ‘Content is a pain’?
Well, it can be! Or at least, changes to content can!
When content changes, it can have implications for people and businesses – and not all of them good. Changed content affects the meaning of documents and agreements. It can cause rework and misunderstandings. It can lead to data losses and breaches, and render processes, policies and rules obsolete. It can also cause damage to an organisation’s financial health and reputation.
Compare makes multiple revisions a breeze!
Since 1999, Work share – whose tagline ‘Change Matters’ says it all – has always tried to understand how content changes and how it can affect business objectives and outcomes. Over the past few years, they have been working on newer, more efficient ways to analyse content and its many aspects, including how and where it’s produced, how it’s shared and by whom, and why context is so important for content. Work share's innovations are focused on helping customers understand and manage content changes while protecting it from unscrupulous entities.
Compare and detect Word, Excel, PDF and PowerPoint version changes with clean results and zero costly mistakes!
Content is the goal, Partnerships are the key
Work share partners with a number of law firms to put a machine learning layer into their flow of outbound emails. This enables these firms to monitor their email attachments, which in turn helps them identify ‘normal’ behaviour patterns. Any behaviour that deviates from this normal would be flagged as ‘unusual’. By differentiating between normal and unusual, firms can see and understand the sharing activity – both unintentional and deliberate – that’s putting their content, and subsequently their company and client data at risk.
Get a full comparison analysis structured by change type. Filter results and quickly review, accept or reject the changes. You can even flag changes for later!
Enhanced data security with Work share Compare
Workshare Compare is a world-class solution that helps users understand how content changes in documents. More importantly, it integrates content comparison in the places where it's created and edited most frequently to simplify the process.
Its comparison tool is fully integrated into the Net Documents content services cloud platform to provide browser-based comparison capability.
Perform Delta View content comparisons directly in your familiar DMS environment without any 3rd-party software.
This functionality enhances their Net Documents experience, brings greater flexibility and mobility to the content review process, and takes a lot of the pain and hassle out of document comparison.
Workshare Selective Compare for snippets and spreadsheets
Workshare already makes it possible to compare different types of files (Word, PDF, PowerPoint, etc). However, in the past, it was rarely possible to compare snippets (text or code), images or tables.
But now this is very much possible – with Work share Selective Compare!
With this functionality, users can review one paragraph, clause or image in a long, complex document without running a redline on all the content. With a simple 'drag and drop' action, the content to be reviewed can be dropped into the frame, and the software will do the rest.
Compare highlighted snippets within Outlook, from the DMS, or directly within the PDF, Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files!
With Work share Selective Compare, you can even compare Excel files – whole workbooks or individual spreadsheets – with precision and accuracy.
Compare can also compare regular text-based PDF files and image-based PDF files (from scanned documents). It automatically applies OCR processing to translate the images of typewritten text into editable text.
Are you struggling to understand, track and control content changes? Try Work share Compare!
Schedule Call with our Document Experts Today to help you with cutting edge Legal Technology Solutions
Prime Infotech Solution is the preferred reseller partner of a number of world-class IT/software solutions from Work share, Adobe, Microsoft, Tally, Nuance, Team Viewer, and many more. For more information about these products and volume discounts, contact Prime Infotech Solution today!
Phone: 022-2308-0666, +91-9833650378
Email: [email protected]
Lion Amir Virani
Tech Evangelist