An Easy Method for Capturing Ideas
Hello, how’s it going?
I know it’s been a while since I last wrote to you. How's the hustle and bustle of life treating you?
Chris Williamson says: “If your body is made up of things you put into your mouth, your mind is made of things you put into your eyes and ears. Your content diet should be spirulina for the soul, not fast food for your amygdala.”
While I set a goal to "eat better" as one of my resolutions for 2024, what if we also became more intentional about what we consume online?
They say you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, if you were the average of the five podcasts, Influencers,or authors you engage with the most, who would you be?
One question you might ask is how to filter out the online noise to find high-quality sources of inspiration for content.
The 4-Step Process to Brainstorm 10+ Content Ideas in Under 5 Minutes
In the past, I would text myself interesting pieces of content that would inevitably get lost in my inbox or type a few words in a Notes app, making them impossible to decipher later on.
It's great to save these sources of inspiration as you find them, but without a central place for your content ideas, you’ll easily lose half of them.
The best part of this method is that there’s no extra work required - you're already consuming interesting content, and this system helps you resurface it.
Step 1: Create a Database for Your Ideas
Instead of saving interesting pieces of content in a messy Google Doc or Notes app, create a central place for your content ideas. This will help you easily access and organize your ideas.
We want to dedicate 90% of our energy to content creation, so it’s crucial to have a bank of content ideas that are easy to access, with everything we need in one place.
Step 2: Compile a List of Creators In Similar Niches
Find creators who consistently produce high-performing content with an audience similar to the one you want to build.
For example, if you're interested in productivity, check out Ali Abdaal on YouTube.
If you're interested in content writing, look up Jasmin Ali? on LinkedIn.
If you're interested in storytelling and audience building, look up Parker Worth on LinkedIn.
If you're interested in storytelling, check up Dr. Ishioma Elora on LinkedIn
If Step you’ve spent enough time on your feed, you might already have a good idea of who is worth checking out.
Step 3: Capture Only the BEST Ideas
Once you have a list of creators, the fun can finally start
Use tools like Kleo, a Chrome extension that shows you the best-performing posts of all time for any creator on LinkedIn.
This will help you identify the most effective content and use it as inspiration for your own ideas.
Note: it doesn't work for Android, even in desktop mode.
Step 4: Put Your Own Twist on Topics
Remember, this isn't about copying other creators. It's about using their ideas as inspiration to create your own unique content.
Take a high-performing post and brainstorm your own ideas, like turning a post about ChatGPT into a post about using it as a virtual assistant.
You can come up with ideas like these in less than 30 seconds. Now imagine allocating 30 minutes a week to idea generation with this system. You’d never run out of high-quality content ideas again…
am organizing a 20-day signature content writing bootcamp to help you improve your writing skills and stay consistent.
You will learn how to improve your writing, understand content writing, define your value and purpose, build your personal brand, and polish your work.
If you're interested in signing up, use the link below.
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