Easy life VS working and living with EASE

Easy life VS working and living with EASE

Easy versus living and working with ease. I wouldn’t say there is such thing as easy life or easy job, everything in life has its challenges ups and downs but there definitely more authentic version of easy it is being at ease, working with ease which means being in flow!

See to become great at something you need to have knowledge but only knowledge is not enough otherwise almost everyone would be living happy life, to live fulfilled life with ease you also need to understand your emotions (feelings) and what they try to tell you.

 It is not necessary about big trauma in your life it is about everything you carry from one day to another such as undealt frustration, helplessness, vulnerability, guilt, shame, sadness, embarrassment usually goes to your childhood years, your past experience with your boss, spouse, coworker but as I said it doesn’t’ need to be a big trauma!

So those suppressed and repressed emotions you are probably not even aware of because you have been feeling frustrated and guilty for 40 years so it so familiar that you don’t even notice it , but those emotions blocking access to all your knowledge! That’s the paradox of the brain and the mind.

So, to live life with ease

Frist you need to understand what are your highest values in life. We all have unique skills and hierarch of values, our cells have family identity receptors that differentiate one individual from another so see there is no need to compete, manipulate or compare yourself to others. You are unique individual with unique set of values you just don’t know it! That’s how I see everyone regardless of what story they try to tell me ??

Whenever something is highest on your values, you will absorb and remember the information, and you tent to make decisions more efficiently and you are more likely to act. You will be disciplined, reliable and focused.

Whenever something is not on the list of your highest values you will procrastinate and frustrate.

When you live in congruency with your highest values you are motivated from within from inside you don’t need anyone to tell you what to do or that you should be doing something.

Your life shows what you value the most, your intrinsic values we can call it also your purpose. And finding out what that is and setting goals in congruency with your highest values is very empowering because your self-worth your confidence levels will go up.

When you live in congruency with your highest values, your leadership emerges. When you allow yourself to open your heart you will start to live in congruency with your highest values not society, not your parents, your teachers.

When you live by your highest values you have balanced perception nothing is ever good or bad there is upside to that which you try to avoid and downside to that which you try to seek, and this is a signal that you are not living by your highest values.

Also, good to emphasize that hierarchy of values are changing incrementally through lifetime and will continue to do so throughout your lifetime.

I have met few people who was earning thousands and thousands  of dollars and when I asked what are their highest  values that didn’t know at all, so that means they don’t put their heart into work, they only work for money which you can do but it will never leave you fulfilled this is why so many successful people achieve their financial goals and quickly moving to another because it is never enough .

Know that if you are living by your lowest values, you are automatically draining yourself. You can do this exercise to help you find out what drains you of energy and what energies you

Take a piece of paper write on one side what energies me

People, places, projects, habits, thoughts and do the same with the other side write what drains you in each mentioned arrear then make a decision that every week you will remove one drainer.

Ask yourself what makes your work meaningful? and it can’t be something like paying my mortgage for the next 40 years! It must come from your heart from place of inspiration, empowerment, love, worthiness, joy and gratitude.

When we say YES from our heart, we say YES to ourselves we live in congruence with our highest values. There is nothing to fear because our heart is open, and we are open to be vulnerable.

Vulnerability is emotional strength not weakness. It is being able to speak your truth coming from your heart, going after what you want because you know that you can handle all unpleasant feelings and emotions that may come from it. When you heart is open you live in congruency with your highest values.

Now you live your life with ease it is not easy there is challenges, and you acknowledge them, but you go through these challenges with ease!

Now imagine when you as a leader , you understand what is holding you back , what is waking up you at night , you understand what triggers your emotional reactions, you understand the power of your mind and brain this will not only save you many business deals but you also will be able to understand why your staff is not giving you honest feedback, why they are not doing what they know how to do.

Just think how much energy you spend every day on frustration, anger, shame, vulnerability, guilt , resentments, judgment and imagine if you let it go and free this energy how much energy you will have to create and work in your zone of genius with ease, same for your staff members how much energy do they spend in judgments, anger, resentment and how much more productive and creative they will become if they are present emotionally with their tasks working from their heart, they are inspired by what they do!!

We all react emotionally the question is how long do you want to react?

You are not even aware that your personality is based on your past experiences it is not who you truly are!

Ask yourself what emotions you are addicted to that keep you returning to your past? Emotions are not scary you already lived them so become conscious of them and you will liberate yourself.

When you living in fear, resentment, guilt you are living in survival emotions what we call “Fight or Flight “ Amygdala reactions and instincts  , your heart is sending very incoherent messages to the brain and as a result your Neocortex your strategic, creative , objective part of the brain is shut down so you are not even realizing that you are not thinking you are just reacting!

We all can tolerate short period of stress but if you are tuning on the same stress responses repeatedly you move further into past! You are producing same chemicals which are emotions just by thought alone. Stress chemicals downregulate genes we know this from neuroscience and then people in their 30th 40th suddenly getting heart attack, cancers, autoimmune conditions.

 And if you repeat those emotions over and over again you become addicted to that rush of adrenaline you need to feel anger, shame, guilt to reaffirm your emotional state! You are addicted to that rush of dopamine and adrenaline like if you are taking drugs. And it becomes wishes cycle running like hamster in a wheel.

So, what you need to do you need to become conscious with your unconscious thoughts!

So, when you move from Beta brain waves to Alpha you start dreaming and creating. Imagine that all your energy is in a present moment how much energy you now have to create what you want.

When you move from Alpha to Theta and then to Gamma brain wave you are in flow. In Gamma brain wave you have balanced perceptions everything is open. All your senses are taking in data. You engage without judgment with what is happening around you. You do what is on your highest values you are inspired.

In business this mode involves embracing opportunities, possibilities, and your company mission also your highest values in life.

Too much Beta activity is linked to anxiety, insomnia and depression so see you don’t need antidepressants when you live in congruence with your highest values, and you understand the power of your mind and you can master your emotional reactions.

Beta brain waves activate sympathetic nervous system which is again imbalanced perceptions about reality you try to hide, run and seek immediate gratification. You think that those things on the outside are going to fulfil you on the inside and it never happens.

While Gamma and Beta brain waves are both associate with cognitive function and focus, Gamma wave are faster and have higher frequency. This is called Super learning state.

Heart Math institute is doing a lot of research on our hearts and role it plays in our lives, Heart sends more signal to the brain then brain sends to the heart.

So, what signals your heart is sending to your brain ?

Are they elevate emotions of love, gratitude, inspiration, empowerment, love, joy , worthiness, freedom, certainty or your heart is closed and you live 70% of the day in survival worry of what can go wrong, fear of losing, of not being good enough, smart enough, lovable enough, judgments because you perceive that someone has something that you don’t.

People are depressed because they are comparing their current reality to a fantasy that they are addicted to. When you minimize yourself to everybody around you, you will inject their values. You won ‘t be able to see your mission because you will be bombarded by all these injected expectations of others.

When you live by your highest values that’s when you are living and working in your zone of genius.

Every symptom in your life either it is diseases or circumstance is trying to get you back to present moment and telling you that you are not living by your highest values, you are out of integrity somewhere in your life.


If you want to be heard and listened to , if you want to know how to move from “Fight or Flight” stress responses how to be aware of them, how to identify them and have tools to balance your perception ,if you want to create more time and space for yourself and your family , if you want to understand more your staff members , your spouse , your bosses book FREE call with me. I can guarantee you will walk with more clarity and certainty you have nothing to lose it is FREE 40-50min call ??




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