Questions of the week:??How did you develop the delegation list for each type of Bees?
I write this article based on the insight of my conversation with my team in our monthly 1-on-1 call. I speak with each one of my team members. This article is to share this week's question and our working method. You can subscribe to the Building Our Team newsletter (2900+ subscribers)
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How did you develop the delegation list for each type of Bees?
If you missed my article from last week, I shared three types of Bees: Leader, Worker, and Learner. I guess it is easy to know what each one's role is.
We have an ME day, aka one day a week, to help people work on themselves to grow in their careers. Most of them in the past were clueless about how to use it. So, this year, I created an outline so they can improve independently.
The hack is to delegate things that they already know or can learn on their own. It's easy to do and understand and already makes money for the company. Thus helping them to be more accountable and showcase their value.
To demonstrate how easy it is. I'm sharing the Roles and Responsibilities below; you should get them.
Money is in making things simple not complex
Leader Bee
- Technical Feasibility: Focus on finding solutions that the team already have all technical knowledge and experience. Don't be a hero/heroine.?
- Tasks Planning: Breakdown tasks in 30 minutes or less chuck.?
- Anticipate Unknowns: Prepare for surprises with the best of your ability to adapt and take corrective measures. Use the power of NO to kill most surprises.?
- ?Answer Questions: Answer all questions by Worker Bees and Learner Bees. Bridge any gaps with any team members.?
- Review Delegated Task: Review all Dev tasks that Worker Bees delegated to Learner Bees.
- Test Scenarios: Write down the scenarios and happy path test cases?
- Test Data: Sample Examples, Happy Paths and a Few Edge Cases
- Task Allocation: Assignment of test cases to team members who will execute them?
- Answer Questions: Answer all questions by Worker Bees and Learner Bees. Bridge any gaps with any team members?
- Review Delegated Task: Review all Worker Bees delegated QA tasks to Learner Bees.
- Identify Ops Tasks: Look for tasks the? Ops team can help within the ticket.
- Reduce User Steps: Imagine the user's steps and think of ways to reduce them.
- Documentation: Make a list of user steps in the document to explain the feature. Anticipate the number of screen captures.?
- Answer Questions: Answer all questions by Worker Bees and Learner Bees.? Bridge any gaps with any team members.
- Review Delegated Task: Review all Worker Bees delegated Ops tasks to Learner Bees.
Worker Bee
- Study Technical Feasibility: Go through the ticket for technical feasibility notes.
- Pick Your Tasks: Self-select tasks you can complete with 100% confidence. Prepare for any related unknowns.?
- Setup Environment: Create a branch for practice day, prepare the test data and local setup?
- Ask Questions: Put your money questions on the feature or task in the ticket.?
- Delegate Task: Create Dev tasks with instructions to delegate them to Learner Bees.
- Study Test Scenarios: Go through test scenarios and cases to prepare themselves. Complete the pending ones.
- Create Test Data: Complete the test data and additional Edge cases
- Pick Your Tasks: Self-select a few test cases that you want to execute?
- Ask Questions: Put your money questions on the feature or task in the ticket?
- Delegate Task: Create QA tasks with instructions to delegate them to Learner Bees.
- Study the ticket: Go through the ticket and read everything??
- Ask Questions: Put your money questions on the feature or task in the ticket?
- Delegate Task: Create Ops tasks with instructions to delegate them to Learner Bees.
- Draft Documentation: Write the steps in detail, along with a potential placeholder for screen capture and instructions?
- Plan your tasks: Write an outline of how you may do them.
Learner Bee
- Study the ticket: Understand the requirement and why behind it so that you only ask Money questions.?
- Ask Questions: Add good quality questions to help us meet our team goal.
- Find a Task: Look for Dev tasks assigned to you in the ticket and claim them if you are 80% confident. Prepare for it and clarify your doubts.
- Study the Ticket: Understand the requirements and all test scenarios.?
- Ask Questions: Add good quality questions for test cases that help us to meet our team goal.
- Find a Task: Look for QA tasks assigned to you in the ticket and claim them if you are 80% confident. Prepare for it and clarify your doubts.
- Study the Ticket: Understand the requirements and user experience.?
- Ask Questions: Add good quality questions to help us meet our team goal.
- Find a Task: Look for Ops tasks assigned to you in the ticket and claim them if you are 80% confident. Prepare for it and clarify your doubts.
Do you see how simple the items are? I have purposely kept it easy to do and underwhelming for my team so that there are no doubts or ambiguity. Nothing New is added. Most team members already know their job, so I don't have to team them. I only have to lead them to work together and let the magic happen.
My team had a couple of follow-up questions, but that's it. Once it was done, the team executed atleast half a dozen One-day feature development without any oversight
If you tell me your business is complicated and you cannot delegate using the simple list. Have you tried simplifying your projects ever?
Try it and thank me later.
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