Easy Homemade Projects #32
Matthew L.Johnson
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Bread Shapes
What you need
1 * larger mixing bowl, measuring jug, 2 baking trays 1* tea towel and olive oil.
500g bread Strong or half strong bread, 1* 7g Fast-action dried yeast, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, 2 tbsp olive oil and 3 tbsp of milk. You can of course experiment with your own alternatives, but this recipe seems to work well.
Step 1. Add yeast, flour, sugar and salt into your mixing bowl
Step 2. Measure 300ml of warm water and stir in the olive oil, then pour into the bowl to mix and form your soft dough.
Step 3. Flour your work surface and knead your dough for until its dry or the stickiness has gone. This took us around 6 minutes. You may need to add a bit more flour (but adding little at a time).
Step 4. Roll into a bowl, oil your bowl lightly and place your dough inside. I would suggest placing you bowl in a warm place and leave for around an hour (you will see you bread rise over this time).
Step 5. Preheat your oven at 180C and put out your trays and sparingly oil them.
Step 6. Here comes the fun part where you get to make your shapes. remember that if they are different sizes they will not cook evenly so bear this in mind when cooking. And place on the tray.
Step 7. Your dough can now go into the oven and will need around 20 minutes. If they are large you will need to leave them in longer. If you're unsure if they are ready put a knife into the bottom (around half way) and pull out. If there is dough on the knife it needs more baking time.