Easy Homemade Projects #30
Matthew L.Johnson
Category & Account management | Heating, Pharmaceuticals, Health & Beauty and Hobbies | Retail, Merchants and Distribution
Guess Who
Wow I have missed 2 days so I have some making up to do. What better than one of the best games I remember as a child!
What you need
Card, scissors, colouring pens/ pencils, paper, glue and a printer
Step 1. You need a template for your heads to designs and colour yourself. You can of course do this completely yourself or use the template that I have found on the below website. Print out as many as you need (just ensure it is an even number)
Step 2. Cut out a matching number of cards (so that you can stick the paper of the head templates onto it). It is best to keep them the same size or it may give the game away.
Step 3. Whenever you do a design ensure that have 2 matching, ideally I would make 12. Ideas to differentiate the characters are man, woman, different hair colour, skin colour or hats.
Step 4. Now that you have finished your cards, sit back to back with someone with your cards laid out. One of you will select a character and the other will become the guesser.
Step 5. Ask your questions to eliminate the characters (ideally turning over or putting into a pile so you do not get confused. Keep going until you are left with 1 card or you want to take a guess. Once you've won switch so the other player is the guesser.
It's not easy thinking of all these ideas to make, but as long as you keep using I'll keep posting.