Easy Explained : The Scrum Methodology
Marco Grano
Key Account Manager - DACH & EMEA - My mission is to empower customers. It's about delighting solutions that inspire!
Scrum is?an?agile project management method.The creators of?Scrum, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, developed the concept in the early 1990s.
What is Scrum?
Any discussion of efficient scrum project management must begin with a?definition of scrum.?
“Scrum is a management framework for incremental product development using one or more cross-functional, self-organizing teams of about seven people each.”
“It provides a structure of roles, meetings, rules, and artifacts. Teams are responsible for creating and adapting their processes within this framework.”
“Scrum uses fixed-length iterations, called Sprints, which are typically 1-2 weeks long (never more than 30 days). Scrum teams attempt to build a potentially shippable (properly tested) product increment every iteration.”
Scrum Roles
Product owner
Product owners know exactly what the requirements and necessary steps of the development process are (product backlog), they decide what needs to be done and provide the development team with the objectives. They are also responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the value of the work of the team. The product owner has exclusive decision making competence, which means that changes have to be approved by them.
Scrum master
Scrum masters do not take the role of ‘project managers’, because in Scrum the idea of self-management is important. What they do is to ensure that the whole process goes smoothly and helps to optimize and improve it and the team’s productivity. To do so their role is to eliminate any obstacles that might endanger the reaching of the specific sprint goals and the overall objective.
A team has ideally between 3 and 9 members with cross-functional skills. This guideline is important because less than 3 members means that there might not be enough interaction and the members might not have all the necessary skills to complete the sprint. Too many members would need too much coordination which would increase the complexity of the process. The task of the development team is to build the product and through self-management it is responsible for organizing and completing the work and meeting the goals of the sprints in the given time frame.
Scrum Events: The Sprint
A sprint is an event or project that has a duration of no more than 1 month (typically 1 or 2 weeks). The time frame is so specific because helps keep the complexities and risks minimal. Furthermore, once a sprint has started its duration is fixed and cannot be changed. At the end of each sprint a completed product has to be presented, i.e. a potentially releasable product increment. This increases the predictability of the project as after each sprint the progress is being assessed in a team meeting with the product master who can then plan and adjust the next steps accordingly. A sprint consists of the following steps that helps structure the product development process:
- Sprint planning
- Daily scrums
- Development work
- Sprint review?
The Five Events
Scrum?is executed in what are called sprints, or short iterations of work lasting usually no more than two weeks. A sprint employs four different scrum ceremonies to ensure proper execution: sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review and sprint retrospective. Let’s dig a little deeper and explore each scrum ceremony in depth.
1. Sprint Planning
This ceremony helps to set up the entire team for the coming sprint, creating a smooth pathway for a successful sprint.?Sprint planning?requires the participation of all the scrum roles: the development team, scrum master and the product owner. The planning, of course, is prior to the sprint. It typically lasts for an hour or two.
The product owner comes to the meeting with a prioritized list of the?product backlog?items, which is presented to the group. The items on the list, which are also called user stories, are then discussed with the development team. Together, they estimate what it will take to complete the items on the list. From this information, the development team makes a sprint forecast. They will outline how much work the team can complete from the product backlog. This will be known as the sprint backlog.
Some sprint planning ceremonies will flesh out details of each user story. This will make sure that everyone involved understands the scope of the work. Though, some will have a separate story refinement meeting or ceremony. By doing this, the actual sprint planning ceremony is shorter and directed only towards user stories that will be tackled in the upcoming sprint. Then the team can use a?scrum board?to plan their sprint.
2. Daily Scrum
This short scrum ceremony makes sure that everyone knows what’s happening. It’s a way to ensure transparency across the team. This is not the time to dive into the weeds. A detailed status meeting this is not, but rather a light and fun informative meeting. It’s a space for each team member to answer the following questions: what did you complete yesterday, what are you working on today and are you blocked by anything?
The?daily scrum?is, as it says, a daily occurrence, which usually takes place each morning with the development team, scrum master and product owner. The ceremony is short, usually 15 minutes, which is why it’s also called a standup meeting. That will make sure it doesn’t drag on.
The great thing about the daily scrum is that is demands accountability. People report honestly on what they did, what they plan on doing and how they might be getting blocked in the process, and this is all done in front of their peers. Having to report in such a social setting sets up the team for success because it would be embarrassing to not be showing progress in front of others.
Daily scrum is not limited to teams that share a physical location. If the?teams are working remotely,?the ceremony can be conducted with video conferencing or another group chat.
3. Sprint Review
After the?sprint?has been completed, it’s time to get the team together to demo or showcase their work. Each team member reviews the newly developed features or whatever it was that they worked on during the sprint. This provides a space for the team to congratulate themselves on a successful sprint, which is important for morale. It also demonstrates the finished work for the entire team, so they can provide feedback and also get feedback from the stakeholders in the project.
Here, unlike other ceremonies, the review can last as long as it takes to demo all the work done by the team. Again, the participants are the development team, scrum master and product owner, but also in this instance, other teams involved in the project and the?stakeholders.
These demos are not partial but a full review of the work. If not, then the point of the sprint review is diminished. The reviews must meet the quality level set up by the team or they’re not considered complete and shouldn’t be demoed in the sprint review.
4. Sprint Retrospective
The last scrum ceremony is called the?sprint retrospective. It occurs at the end of a sprint, after the review, and is usually an hour in duration. The retrospective includes the development team, scrum master and product owner.
Because?scrum?is part of an agile process, it is all about change, which includes getting feedback and quickly acting on it. Scrum seeks continuous improvement and the retrospective is a method to make sure that the product and development culture is constantly improving.
The retrospective is a way for the team to understand what has worked well and what didn’t come together over the previous sprint. The post-mortem exposes fault lines in the team and its process, so they can buttress those weak spots and approach the next sprint in stronger form.
The sprint retrospective isn’t a blame game but a means to identify and rectify issues that have come up over the course of the sprint. It is also an instrument to congratulate the team on a job well done when there were no issues. But, if the mantra of scrum is to always seek to improve, then the retrospective must be critical, too, but only as a steppingstone to improvements.?Constructive criticism?is key here.
5. Product Backlog Refinement
Product backlog refinement, also known as product backlog grooming, is a meeting that takes place towards the completion of a sprint. The reason for the meeting is to review the backlog and keep it clean and orderly so that it’s ready for the next sprint.
The scrum team and product owner participate in the product backlog refinement meeting. As they look over the top items on the backlog, the team will ask the type of questions that usually arise in sprint planning meetings.
Some of the queries include: what should we do if the user’s data is wrong, are all users accessing this part of the system and other what-if scenarios. These questions allow the?product owner?to answer them and help the team understand what they need to do.
The purpose of the product backlog refinement is not to fully resolve issues but more of a chance for the scrum team and product owner to make sure the backlog is accurate. Therefore, the whole team usually doesn’t participate.