Easy Cloud Series 03. AWS Cost Optimization
MegazoneCloud Global
“We Are Digital Architects” — We empower customers with cloud-optimized technology, people and process.
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Hi, welcome back to the Easy Cloud Series.
In the last session, we learned about the well-known services of the AWS cloud. In this session, let's go through ways to measure and manage AWS infrastructure costs.
I will introduce you to some key concepts and strategies to help you optimize your AWS costs. Let's dive in!
Okay.? Let's find out? how AWS charges you, first.
AWS offers a variety of pricing models for different resources and services.?
Let's start with well known AWS services, Amazon EC2. EC2 instances have various pricing options,?including On-Demand, Reserved Instances, Spot Instances, and Savings Plans.?
On-Demand instances allow you to pay for the resources you use on a per-second basis,?with a minimum of 60 seconds, without any upfront commitments.
For Reserved Instances, you make a one-time payment?to receive a significant discount on the hourly charge for a specific instance type.?This option is suitable for predictable workloads.
Next, there are Spot Instances.?You bid on unused EC2 instances,?allowing you to take advantage of unused capacity at a lower cost.?However, availability is not guaranteed and prices can fluctuate.
Finally, there are Savings Plans.?By committing to a consistent amount of usage (measured in dollars per hour) for a term of 1 or 3 years, you can receive a discount on EC2 instances or other resources.
How are other resources besides EC2 instances charged??AWS Lambda functions are billed?based on the number of requests and the duration of function executions.
Amazon S3 pricing is based on the amount of data stored,?the number of requests made, and any additional features utilized,?such as data transfer and data retrieval.
What about databases? Amazon RDS pricing depends on the type and size of the DB instance,?the storage capacity, and the data transfer in and out of the database.
Amazon Aurora, a fully managed RDBMS, has pricing based on factors?such as instance usage, database storage, I/O operations, data transfer, and backups or snapshots.
Pricing for Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service,?is based on the provisioned capacity for reads and writes,?along with additional features used, such as data transfer and backups.
These are just a few examples,?and AWS offers many more services with their respective pricing models.
If you want to obtain detailed information on pricing for specific AWS resources,?you can visit the AWS Pricing page or utilize the AWS Pricing Calculator on the AWS website.
Now you may be wondering about the ways you can check how much you are being charged on AWS.?If you are partnered with an MSP company like MegazoneCloud,?you can utilize customized Billing and Cost Management services.?
We offer a service called HyperBilling. HyperBilling by Megazone Cloud is a platform service that helps you manage your AWS costs for free.?
Once you connect your AWS account to HyperBilling,?you can start analyzing your cost data on the dashboard.?The platform offers tools such as cost breakdowns, historical data analysis, forecasting, and budgeting?to assist you in optimizing your AWS spending.?
You can also set up alerts to stay informed about any cost anomalies or budget overruns.?Moreover, HyperBilling provides optimization recommendations?to help you identify cost-saving opportunities.
Alright, now let's explore the ways to manage and optimize AWS infrastructure costs.?
We can discuss five key points. Let's go over each point one by one.
#1. Use cost-effective resources
AWS offers a wide range of resources,?such as EC2 instances, S3 storage, and RDS databases, with different pricing options.?It's essential to evaluate your workload requirements and choose the most cost-effective resource type and size.?
For example, selecting the right EC2 instance type?based on your CPU, memory, and storage needs can help optimize costs. You may also consider using newer generation AWS resources or better-performing resources,?such as gp3 for EBS or Graviton processors for EC2s.?
These options may provide cost savings for the same workloads.
#2. Monitor usage
AWS provides monitoring tools like Amazon CloudWatch.?
Meanwhile, MegazoneCloud provides HyperBilling?to even make it easier to manage your AWS resources usage and costs.?
Regularly monitoring your resource usage allows you to identify any inefficient?or underutilized resources.?You can track metrics, set alarms, and analyze usage patterns and cost fluctuations?to make informed decisions about optimizing resources and costs.
#3. Use Automation
AWS offers services like AWS Lambda and AWS Auto Scaling?that enable the automation of infrastructure management.
By automating tasks such as resource provisioning and deprovisioning,?scaling based on demand, and infrastructure deployment,?you can optimize resource utilization and reduce costs. Automation helps ensure that resources are only active when needed,?avoiding unnecessary charges.
Next, Use Cost-savings Plans Reserved Instances (RIs) offer significant cost savings for long-term workloads?compared to On-Demand Instances.?
Analyze your workload's stability and predictability, and if it fits well with RIs,?purchase them to lower your compute costs.?
AWS also offers Convertible RIs and Savings Plans with more flexibility.
Savings Plans is a flexible pricing model that allows users to save up to 72%?on their AWS compute usage.?
It provides users with a commitment?to use a specific amount of compute usage in exchange for a discounted rate.
Lastly, managing data effectively is crucial Storing, processing, and transferring data can lead to significant AWS costs.?When using storage services, it is important to select the appropriate storage class?based on access frequency and performance needs.?
Additionally, implementing lifecycle policies can automatically move data to lower-cost storage tiers?as its access frequency decreases.?Eliminating duplicate data and unnecessary backups, as well as compressing data when feasible,?can help optimize storage.?
For data transfers between AWS services and external networks,?utilizing services like Amazon CloudFront can reduce data transfer costs.
Now I’d like to invite Yongjin, who is currently a team lead of the global presales team of CTC?and listens to some customer cases?that have experienced AWS cost reduction via MegazoneCloud.
Hi, Yongjin !
Hi, Lauren.
So, could you please share MegazoneCloud's customer cases?regarding cost management and optimization with us?
Sure.?Cost reduction and optimization are direct results of effective infrastructure optimization.?While Reserved Instances and Savings Plans are straightforward methods?for cost savings on AWS,?they are not the only solutions for achieving optimal cost efficiency. There are several key strategies for further optimizing AWS usage.?
First, let's discuss EC2.? As a fundamental and widely used AWS service,?EC2 offers significant optimization potential.?By selecting Graviton Instances,?which feature AWS's in-house ARM-based technology,?we can enhance performance?due to their physical core structure and independent I/O buses per core.?This results in needing fewer EC2 instances?while maintaining high capacity,?especially compared to x86 instances.? However, it's important to ensure compatibility with ARM CPU architecture,?particularly for applications central to your business processes.?Fortunately, ARM compatibility is less of a concern with open-source software,?as many ARM libraries and applications are now well-suited for this architecture.
Second, let's talk about Storage.?As Lauren highlighted,?choosing the right storage service and combination is crucial for cost savings.?Factors to consider include the type of system or OS connecting to the storage,?the volume and speed of data storage and retrieval,?and the data processing method (batch or real-time).?By understanding the application's functionality, connection protocols, and data types,?we can identify the most cost-effective storage solutions.?For example, one customer transitioned from on-premise NFS to AWS's EFS and S3,?resulting in cost savings by utilizing S3's lifecycle feature?to move less-accessed data to Glacier,?aligning with their financial compliance requirements.
Third, Microservice Architecture (MSA) can significantly reduce costs?due to its decoupled, lightweight, dockerized applications.?These applications use resources efficiently and scale out easily,?while also offering high system failure tolerance.?On AWS, Fargate, ECS, and EKS are the services which provide microservice architecture.
Lastly, AWS's Fully Managed Services align?with MSA principles by providing necessary capacities on demand.?This eliminates the need for pre-deployed resources and simplifies scalability.?This approach leads to optimal resource usage and, consequently, cost optimization.
All right. Thank you again, Yongjin.?So far, we have gone through how to effectively manage and optimize?your AWS resource usage and costs.?And here we are, MegazoneCloud, a trustworthy partner in your AWS journey,?providing professional services as well as a great cost optimization tool called HyperBilling.?
Please feel free to reach out to us for any assistance you may need. Thank you for your attention! See you next time!
こんにちは、Easy Cloudシリーズへようこそ以前のセッションでは、AWSクラウドでよく知られているサービスについてお話ししました。
まず、Amazon EC2について見ていきましょう。
AWS Lambdaの関数は、リクエストの数と関数の実行時間に基づき、課金されます。
また、Amazon S3の価格は保存されたデータの量、リクエストの数、データの転送やデータ取得などによって構成されています。
Amazon RDSの価格は、DBインスタンスのタイプとサイズ、ストレージの容量、データベース内外へのデータ転送により、異なります。
フルマネージドのRDBMSであるAmazon Auroraの場合は、インスタンスの利用料、データベースのストレージ、I/Oオペレーション、データの転送、バックアップやスナップショットなどの要素に基づき、価格が設定されます。
NoSQLデータサービスであるAmazon DynamoDBの場合、データの転送やバックアップの機能と共に、読み書きのためにプロビジョニングされた容量に基づいています。
もし、AWSリソースの価格設定に関し、さらに詳細な情報を知りたい場合は, AWS価格設定ページにアクセスするか、AWSのウェブサイトで、AWS Pricing Calculatorを理世してください。
MegazoneCloudはHyper Billingというサービスを提供しています。Hyper BillingはAWSのコストを無料で管理できるプラットフォームサービスです。
AWSアカウントをHyper Billingにアクセスすると、ダッシュボード上でコストのデータの分析を確認できます。
さらにHyper Billingはコスト削減できる箇所を特定するのに役立つ最適化提案を提供します。
#2. 使用状況のモニタリング
AWSはAmazon CloudWatchなどモニタリングツールを提供しています。
一方、MegazoneCloudではHyper Billingを提供し、AWSリソースの利用状況とコストの管理をさらに容易にします。
#3. オートメーションの活用
AWSはインフラ管理の自動化を可能にするAWS LambadaやAWS Auto Scalingなどのサービスを提供しています。
自動化により、リソースは必要な場合だけアクティブになり、 不必要な課金を回避できます。
AWSのサービスと外部ネットワーク間のデータ転送の場合、Amazon CloudFrontのようなサービスを利用すると、データ転送コストも削減できます。
ただし、ビジネスプロセスの中心となるアプリケーションでは、ARM CPUアーキテクチャとの互換性の確保が重要となります。
例えば、あるお客様がオンプレミスのNFSからAWSのEFSとS3にマイグレーションした場合、S3のライフサイクル機能を利用して、アクセス頻度の少ないデータを Glacierに移動することで、コスト削減を実現しました。
3番目にMicroservice Architecture(MSA)は、分離された軽量でDocker化されたアプリケーションであるため、コストが大幅に削減できます。
AWSでは、Fargate、ECS、EKSがMicroservice Architecture(MSA)を提供するサービスです。
MegazoneCloudは専門的なサービスはもちろん、Hyper Billingという優れたコスト最適化ツールを提供し、皆さんのAWSジャーニーを支援します。