Is it Easy to be Authentically You?
Eileen Bild, MA
CEO, Ordinary to Extraordinary Life, OTEL Universe, A Universal Voice | Founder, Core Thinking Blueprint Method | Speaker | Author | International Columnist | Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K Coach | Co-Founder, JETSet Music Media
Authenticity is one of the most challenging parts of ourselves to master. We are conditioned and influenced at an early age to be someone, not always who we are at the core.
This may have a negative impact on our lives in many ways.
No matter our past, what others think, or what has been said to us, we are the only one who can own our authenticity. Whether you are a leader, an entrepreneur, younger or older, the basis upon which you look at your place in the world is dependent upon how much you are authentic in all your thoughts and actions.
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