An Easy Approach to Trim Sheet

An Easy Approach to Trim Sheet

What is Trim Sheet?

Pack different texture inside to one texture. Use it for different assets.

Why we should use them?

  • For create high fidelity environment without performance penalty. Because we use 1 texture instead of 5+
  • Increase performance and decrease memory usage for low and systems.


I use a simple and fast solution for my work. If you need to more advance solution:

1. Define your assets

What do you need? What will you do? Thinking about it and don't afraid spend some time on it. Write down to a list, all assets which you want.

2. Define your materials

Now you should think about material of your assets. Do you need wood, metal, plastic or maybe plant? Which type, which color, which tone. You can use different variation of same material (blackwood, white wood, redwood). Write down to a list

3. Create planar mesh

Just subdivide a plane again and again.

4. Paint it

Add different materials in Substance Painter. You can add some colors with different roughness and metallic values.

5. Use it

Make your asset and unwrap it onto the material which want to use.

6. Result

final result
an another example


Muhammet Esat BüYüKBULUT的更多文章

