Easy AI Traffic Writer Review – From Mark Hess ($12.95!)

Easy AI Traffic Writer Review – From Mark Hess ($12.95!)

Easy AI Traffic Writer Review – From Mark Hess ($12.95!)

Posted on February 9, 2024 by Andrew Larder

Easy AI Traffic Writer

The Google Free Traffic Sniper

Easy AI Traffic Writer Review, Bonus, OTOs From Mark Hess – The Google Free Traffic Sniper – Copy and Paste AI Powered FREE Traffic Method Snags In Traffic From Google

REAL PROOF: This Copy & Paste AI-Powered FREE Traffic Method Snagged 17,840 Visitors From Google In 30 Days…

Easy AI Traffic Writer


This isn’t theory or hype. It’s 100% proven, copy & paste simple, super easy to replicate, AI automated, and it works in ANY niche.

Below are 3 screenshots (these are from the video at the top of this page).

It shows free traffic from the past 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days flowing into one of my niche sites.

This traffic is a direct result of the free traffic method you are getting instant access to today.

You can immediately deploy this into your business.


First, I show you how to get longtail keywords that are super easy to rank for in Google and Bing. This is a method of finding keywords that I’ve been using for years that’s totally free to implement. You don’t need expensive keyword software.

Second, plug any of those keywords into the custom GPT and you will automatically get 10 different seo-friendly clickbait style titles which are between 50-60 characters (this is the number of characters used when Google displays titles in search results).

Next, select the title which you would like to use and the custom GPT will begin writing a blog style post which is unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

Content so good it passes AI detection tests –

Easy AI Traffic Writer

After the content is written for you, at the end you will get a SEO-friendly description that’s 160 characters in length (this is the number of characters Google displays in search results) and also 7 hashtags you can use.

Literally everything is done-for-you and all you have to do is copy & paste.

This is an AI free traffic method that actually works.

Rinse and repeat the method over and over.

It requires practically no effort on your part.

If you can copy, paste, and click, you can get FREE traffic in ANY niche.

FINALLY, SOMETHING REAL THAT WORKS… You may have been promised a free traffic method in the past and it never happened.

This free traffic method is guaranteed to work because not only have I proved it within my business, it’s based on sound logic.

If you target keywords that get traffic and are easy to rank for due to having low competition…

And then produce content around those keywords….

You will get free traffic from the search engines. (period)

It has been done this way for years.

All I did was automate the whole thing using free longtail keyword generating software that finds these keywords for you.

Then use AI to automatically generate the content and everything else you need to rank such as title and description.

I mean even the character count of 50-60 characters in the title was thought about so the title displays fully in Google and it’s a clickbait style title so people click-through from the search engines.

The description is SEO friendly and 160 characters so it will display fully in Google and written in a way to get clicks.

The content is human-quality and outperforms both out-of-the-box ChatGPT 3.5 and 4.

I was doing all this manually using prompts but now it’s all inside one custom GPT I’m sharing with you that you can start using the minute you click the buy now button below.

You need ZERO technical skill, writing skill, knowledge of the niche, knowledge of SEO, you need nothing.

The only thing you need is the ability to click a mouse then copy & paste.

Rinse and repeat this method over and over to grow your traffic and business.

Full step-by-step training + instant access to the custom GPT awaits but the price is going up with each copy sold so take action now to get the best possible value.

Learn More About Easy AI Traffic Writer:

Its $12.95!!!!!!!!

The Google Free Traffic Sniper


Ai Content Creation, ai traffic, Easy AI Traffic, Easy AI Traffic Writer, mark hess, seo, traffic


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