Eastern Wisdom-6 we suffer from anxiety, depression and suffering because we do not know how to think.
Girish Jha LLC
Coaching, Mentoring, Guiding Individuals, Groups and Corporates with proven method of Eastern Wisdom.
Restless Monkey Mind
Our untrained minds jump chaotically from thought to thought like a monkey swinging wildly between branches. This scatteredness prevents focused reflection needed for wisdom. Mastering focus through reflection is key. When we pursue a single thought, for example, of peace without any distraction, anxiety and depression dissolve.
Blind Followers
Most blindly swallow ideals and beliefs without independent analysis, behaving like a herd following the lead sheep. Questioning the status quo is rare. Developing skepticism allows open-minded inquiry. An open-minded inquiry leads to discernment and prevents judgmental ideas.
Illusion of Objectivity
We assume we think objectively but remain unaware of biases shaping thoughts, like wearing tinted glasses that distort reality.
Self-inquiry and detachment help glimpse truth uncolored by subjectivity.
Rationalizing Over Reasoning
We use logic to defend beliefs when challenged rather than impartially assess perspectives. Our tendency to rationalize puts the cart before the horse and impedes clear thinking.
Groping In Darkness
Not mindful of thought processes, our minds are like dark rooms where we grope blindly. Shedding light through self-awareness illuminates the ignorance causing flawed thinking.
Disjointed Fragments
Information floats disconnectedly without coherent linkages. Concentrative meditation creates mental glue to bind scattered thoughts into an integrated whole.
Rigid Mindsets
Clinging to fixed assumptions makes us unable to adapt when confronted with new evidence to search for how peace and happiness are our essential nature.
Developing flexibility allows growth. Asleep To Reality
Unwillingness to question the dominant worldview keeps us trapped in illusion, like believing the earth is flat. Wisdom involves challenging assumptions fearlessly.
Masters use principles and teachings to correct our tendency for undisciplined, biased thinking by advocating self-inquiry, ethics, open-mindedness, concentration, and realizing higher truths. This unlocks the mind's potential for clarity, insight, and enlightened perception. Then anxiety, depression, and suffering never touch our lives.
( References from Upanishads, Yoga Sutra, Gita, Life divine etc.)
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