Eastern Wisdom-21 How Anxiety Takes Over the Mind and Life

Eastern Wisdom-21 How Anxiety Takes Over the Mind and Life

Anxiety can slowly take over our lives and minds in subtle ways if we are not careful. Let's examine how this happens through some real-world examples:

Foolishness Leads to Anxiety

Being foolish means living unconsciously without awareness of our thoughts and actions. For example, mindlessly scrolling on our phones without any real purpose can lead to anxiety as we lose touch with the present moment.

Foolishness Leads to Anxiety

Scattered Mind Causes Anxiety

A scattered mind needs more focus and clarity, jumping from one thought to the next. Constantly searching for joy in attachments, possessions, and desires leads to anxiety, depression, and suffering. Jumping randomly between browser tabs, tasks, and thoughts signifies a lack of mental clarity. The urge to attach to so many things dissipates our energy. Staying perpetually distracted prevents peaceful living.

Scattered Mind Causes Anxiety

Attachment Causes Anxiety

Clinging to people, possessions, and situations leads to anxiety when they inevitably change. Clinging to people or situations that no longer serve us causes grief and pain. Anxious attachments to the past, like not getting over a relationship that ended, are a surefire way to unhappiness. These clinging stop us from living freely and finding contentment inside. For example, refusing to let go of a past relationship that no longer serves us keeps us stuck in anxiety about what was and prevents us from moving forward.

Attachment Causes Anxiety

Emotional Dependence is Unstable

Relying on external validation from others for inner stability causes anxiety when that validation is lacking. Only feeling happy when others approve of us means our peace of mind depends on factors we can't control. Seeking continuous external approval and emotional security from others instead of finding it within makes us dependent. So, we feel lost and restless whenever that validation is not forthcoming.

Emotional Dependence is Unstable

Selfishness Causes Anxiety

Forgetting that all things are temporary, including our bodies, leads to anxiety. Taking our health and loved ones for granted rather than appreciating the ephemeral nature of life causes worry about loss.??

Selfishness Causes Anxiety

Overthinking Causes Anxiety- Intellectual Paralysis

Getting stuck in limiting beliefs about life stages, such as thinking life peaks at a certain age, leads to anxiety as we fail to see the opportunities for growth and transformation at any age. Believing that life must peak at a certain age and then it's all downhill is a limiting perspective. Such fossilized views about how things 'should be' block the fluidity of existence and growth.

Overthinking Causes Anxiety- Intellectual Paralysis

Changing Desires Cause Anxiety

Constantly seeking salvation in things other than inner stillness - whether relationships, positions, possessions, or experiences - causes anxiety. True peace comes from within, not without. Getting on the treadmill of external pursuits like new acquisitions, people, and scenarios to find happiness gives only momentary satisfaction.

Changing Desires Cause Anxiety

In summary, anxiety overtakes our minds and lives when we are unconscious, scattered, attached, dependent, selfish, paralyzed in our thinking, and constantly desiring. Developing inner awareness, focus, detachment, independence, appreciation, an open mind, and stillness are the keys to overcoming anxiety.

( References from Upanishads, Yoga Sutra, Gita, Life Divine etc.)

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