EASTER Greetings
George Simons
Creator and Editor of diversophy?. Consulting, training in IC communication & negotiation
Lockdown: The opportunity to become familiar with our everyday world… in case you hadn’t noticed…
As a child, toward the end of the Great Depression, my father, unemployed, would go out into the woods a few blocks from our Bedford Ohio home and come back with the makings of a gourmet meal, all kinds of wild fruits and berries, greens and mushrooms and on occasion a few crappies fished from Tinkers Creek which ran through the forest, not far from where we lived.
Today I envy his hands-on practical knowledge of what nature has to offer and, with the lockdown, the awareness of my ignorance is matched only by the delight of my discovery of what actually exists in the small green spaces surrounding the apartment complex in which, luckily, I live. I take a daily walk around the property and treat my body to some calisthenics along the way. But most exciting is how my eyes now notice so much of what I have not paid attention to before. So, on today’s stroll I decided to capture and share the beauty around me in the snapshots put in a slide set which you can find at the link just below this note. All this just outside my door! I hope you are making beautiful discoveries wherever you find yourself in this difficult time.
Unfortunately, I don’t know the names of all these colorful sights… So maybe you can help me out…and we can enrich our botanical linguistic vocabulary at the same time!
May the richness of this season and the reach of friends and family strengthen and comfort you wherever you find yourself.
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