Easter Break Kids Activities

Easter Break Kids Activities

The idea is that kids crown themselves the new king queen lord high commander or whatever they want, they then build their fantasy magical realm using the below as much or as little as they want.

You can find more tree and woodland stuff for kids and grown ups at our Youtube channel TR33 Life


Leaf Crown – Everyone deserves a crown

Ingredients: sticky tape, ideally double sided but not essential. Either card or an existing hat.

Method one, cut the card into a strip that will fit around the head, wrap double sided sticky tape around it when on the head. Method two, wrap sticky tape around a hat with the sticky side facing out.

Method: Pick leaves, flowers, twigs and other beautiful adornments and slap them onto the sticky part around your head to make your crown. We find it best to do this while wearing the tape, it’s just funnier that way.

Stick Man / Stick Person – You’ll need loyal subjects / team mates / helpers / mascots

Ingredients: One forked stick, one straight stick, some string, a ball of mud and decorations.

Method: The forked stick is going to be the stick persons legs and body, the straight stick are the arms. Tie a knot to one end of the longer stick at around three fingers width from the head end (opposite end to the fork). Lay the short stick over the longer one at the point where the string is knotted. Next lash the short stick to the long one by crossing over one then under the other repeatedly. To finish, wrap the string around the lashing where the two sticks meet and then tie onto one stick. To make the head, form a mud ball in your hand, place the stick in your palm and squeeze the ball around the neck of the stick person. You can then decorate or form the mud into a face.

Stick Swords – they’ll need to defend themselves

Ingredients: two sticks one around a quarter the length of the other, some string.

Method: Essentially the same as the stick man lashing but without the legs. Decorate to suit.

Tent / Den / Hideout – every leader needs a grand place to live and shelter

Ingredients: A stick around shoulder height. Either kids or adult shoulder depending on who is going in the den, A bedsheet or similar rectangular sheet, some string, around 10ft or 3m should do it, something to hold down the corners of the sheet such as pegs, stones, bits of wood, whatever you have.

Method: This is much easier to do than describe. You’re going to make something that looks like a traditional tent that’s been squashed at one end. For the squashed end simply lay out the sheet flat on the ground. Secure the short end to the ground using whatever you have to hand. Only do the short end for now. For the triangle end, find the middle of the other short side of the sheet and stand the stick up so that one end is in the ground and the other is in the middle of the short side of the sheet. Next, find the middle of the string and tie the middle around the sheet trapping it against the top end of the stick only. You’ll need an assistant to hold the stick upright for now. While your assistant holds the stick take the each end of the string and secure them to the ground so that they form to sides of a triangle with the ground making the third side and the stick / sheet / knot combination making the point. The long sides of the sheet should have been drawn in and hanging down each side of the stick, secure the sheet to where it touches the ground and get in. Optional extra, throw a cup of water over your tent to see how waterproof it is. Giggles from leaking tents are always good.

Mud face / Mud monsters – to scare away bad spirits or other tribes

Ingredients: Some water, a few handfuls of soil, natural stuff you can pick up while walking such as sticks, flowers, leaves, grass and nuts

Method: Add water to the soil gradually mixing it until it becomes a thick gloop not quite as thick as playdough. Make it into a ball in your hand and throw it at a wall or fence, alternatively you can pat it onto a tree stem. Once your ball has stuck, mould it to form ears eyes nose and so on then decorate it with the pieces you’ve picked up.

Stinky cocktail / magic potion – to celebrate your victory, use in battle or cast spells

Ingredients: A yogurt pot or similar, a bottle of water with a little food dye, paint or ink added for colour, bits and bobs you pick up while walking such as leaves, grass, flowers, nuts, seeds and finally a stick to stir it with.

Method: while walking pick items that catch your eye and place in your pot mixing and mashing with your stirring stick. After a while stop to add the cocktail mix / magic ingredient and stir.

If you have a cocktail, pretend to smell it say ooh ahh nice then fling it over your shoulder while pretending to drink it. Loud burp is optional.

Magic potions are great for keeping bad dreams away at night or for encouraging wildlife / pixies / elves into the garden to help it grow.

Daisy / flower chains – To reward your subjects, team mates or just look good

Ingredients: flowers, only use flowers that are plentiful such as daisies buttercups and dandelions

Method: Slightly inward from the end of the picked flower stem make a small split all the way though the stem. Poke the next flower through the split you’ve made stem end first until the flower head of the second flower comes into contact with the stem of the first. Repeat the process for as many as you have or need to make your chain. If you are making a loop, the final split in the stem needs to be big enough to pass the head of the first flower though.



