East Lancs IOSH District - Presentation
Steve Winstanley
CFIOSH MIIRSM-RSP OSHCR Chartered Fellow of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health - Managing Director of Pendle Safety Solutions Ltd - Chairman of the IOSH East Lancs District Committee
Presentation by Paul Burns -
Great Harwood Golf Club, Harwood Bar, Whalley Road, Great Harwood. BB6 7TE
FREE TO ATTEND - 17th May 2018
11.30 till 12.30 AGM – 1.00 till 2.00 presentation. Free buffet, coffee/tea from 12.00
A great opportunity for networking with like minded Health and Safety professionals.
Is it SAFE?
Presented by Paul Burns who strongly advocates due diligence when entering the work area.
Paul explains how one morning he arrived for work in one piece assuming all was safe. He never left in one piece. Illustrates the hidden physical & psychological possibilities that lie ahead. When bad practices or unnecessary risks are taken against company Health & Safety policies and procedures in the work place. That equals the injury.
Without pointing the guilty finger at any individual or laying fault solely at the company. Paul’s testament is loud and clear of what to expect, IF, it does happen. A reminder of the consequences to employees who choose to circumvent company H&S guidelines put in place for any task in any given work area. Which gives all the opportunity to consciously reflect and reconsider their own future attitudes and actions towards H&S in the working environment. Firmly establishing in layman’s terms that every individual employee is accountable not only for their own safety, but that of fellow workers.
When it comes to Health & Safety, you need your staff to perform at the highest level of competence. We recognise that within most organisations, Health & Safety training requirements will be varied and wide ranging and the meeting of Government or Corporate Training targets can present a significant management challenge.
Paul Burns was involved in a horrific workplace accident that happened back in 1994, which resulted in the horrendous burns to the lower left leg and the loss of the toes. The accident occurred when Paul was employed as a caulker/burner on the construction of a suspension bridge in Germany. He was working on his own in a confined space when a piece of molten metal ignited the hoses forcing him to stop and attempt to make the situation safe. Unfortunately, while doing this he knocked himself unconscious and somehow the oxygen and fuel gas re-ignited and started a fire. The presentation provides an outline of the circumstances surrounding this accident. Highlighting key events that would have prevented his accident from occurring, which include him being encouraged to follow simple procedures, the management setting a positive example for HSE and job-specific inductions. It goes on to covers the physical and psychological effects of coming to terms of facing a life of disability for both family members and peers. The seminars often end with a question and answers session.
If you require anymore details, please phone Steve on 07875435115