Easily Expand the Impact Your Next Fundraiser Event

Easily Expand the Impact Your Next Fundraiser Event

What if your next fundraising event could reach across the globe? Think of all the people that want to support your organization but cannot physically make it to your next event.?

That's right, we are talking about live streaming. Remember? It was all the rage a few years ago. And just because in-person events are back, does not mean you cannot still make effective use of live streaming with your next fundraiser.?

Creating a live stream or hybrid event for your fundraiser will not only expand your reach but allow you to increase engagement and drive donations with a simple click of button. Do not fret if your next event is already planned as an in-person event – you can live stream that too. Talk about the best of both worlds, right??

Check out our latest article "How to Expand Your Fundraiser’s Reach with Live Streaming" to learn how to maximize your organization’s impact and stay connected to a wider audience online.?

BTW: Did you know that since 2020, vLink Solutions has leveraged its video production skills to live stream over 10,000 hours of live content. In fact, much of that content has been streamed via our own virtual event platform - vLink Events.

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