Easily Converted Into A Shouse
In spite of there being no sunshine, it certainly was a remarkably pleasant day with our temps well above freezing and no wind. Yeah!
Nearly my entire day was spent rounding up the last of the items I needed to get all my gift packaging completed for the group of seniors I spoke about, along with delivering gifts to others whom I felt would enjoy the home-made packages, and thus far the reviews have been as I'd expected. Yes, many in our general public have no clue about wholesome ingredients and the extra time it takes to bring out the best of those old tried and true recipes.
I did get a message from my out of State client saying she received the overnighted proceeds check which was sent yesterday, which was the final chapter of that transaction. Unfortunately, North Iowa has lost another top-notch resident, so lets hope there'll be others to pick up the batons of the many similar who've left. Yes, our city's demographics are definitely changing.
My lunch date with several long-time friends went well, and this time we ended up at a Mexican restaurant I'd not eaten at before. My two guests seemed to like what they had, but the three soft-shell tacos I ordered, were far less than I was expecting. So far, I still believe Taco Tico has the best tasting tacos in Mason City. Yes, I can be quite the fussy eater.
Believe it our not, I spent a good three hours delivering those many packages to that group of seniors, and mostly because many of them wanted me to step in and chat a spell. There's no question they truly appreciate getting their little packages containing all the home-made goodies and a few extra useful gifts.
By the time I arrived back from those deliveries, it was nearing the hour of closing, so I sat down at piano and ran thru some of the Christmas hymns I'll be playing this Sunday, and when I was finished with them, I grabbed that European Christmas song book and started playing, and nearly all the time they were being brought to life, the fondest of memories came rushing in of my long-deceased sister who sent it to me. Yes, music can definitely resurrect past lives and pleasant thoughts.
For the first time in many years, I'm actually ahead of the Christmas craze to where all cards and gifts have been delivered, so it looks like tomorrow will be a free day for me to do whatever comes to mind, and if I don't have any calls for showings, I'll likely bury myself into something mindless for most of the day, but for whatever reason, I have this 'feeling' there'll be something coming up that'll eat up a few of those hours.
I happened to run into a long-time neighbor of mine who sold his home to an investor this past summer, and since I hadn't seen him since he sold out, I spent a good half hour bringing him up to speed with what's been happening in his old neighborhood. As I suspected, he's glad he sold when he did because he didn't want to be dealing with something most would consider 'progress'. I definitely filled him in on the specifics of an untold story which set it all into motion. Yes, he's darned lucky he hit a home run and got out when he did.
I was spiritually touched when hearing a man whom I'd added to my contemplative prayer chain some days ago, is doing remarkably better, and believe me, he was definitely close to death, so hopefully his healing process will continue to where he'll soon be back in the saddle again.
When reading the news this morning, I happened upon a Youtube news video about the rise in power of Putin which was exceptionally interesting, and in spite of having read about his early life, that video made it all the more clear in regards to how he so cleverly befriended the 'right' people as he was climbing his political ladder. If you have some free time, please take the time to watch it and share because the entire world needs to know what kind of evil person he really is. Here's the link to it: Putin’s War: Killer Instinct
We just received a drastic price reduction on our acreage listing at 4540 Zinnia Ave. in Dougherty which really isn't that far from Mason City. It's now priced below assessed value at $174K which in my estimation, is an exceptionally good buy. The monster building it has onsite, could easily be converted into a shouse which has become quite the rage lately.
What I personally like about that site's location, are the views, no close neighbors, a short stretch of gravel off hard-surfaced roads, and no eyesore windmills to be seen. There's gotta be somebody out there who's forward-thinking enough to realize its upside potential. Yes, that's definitely a diamond in the rough waiting to be discovered, so please put the word out.
Tonight's One-liner is: We must stand united to face the big responsibility of changing our country into a nation of justice, solidarity, humanity, and green development.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/12/22/easily-converted-into-a-shouse/