Easily Conquer Worry and Stress with this Simple Process!

Easily Conquer Worry and Stress with this Simple Process!

What are You so Worried About?

I do it, you do it, we all do it at some stage! We overthink things and it can lead to unnecessary stress. This often leads to insomnia and sleepless nights which I am sure we can all do without. Entire books have been written about the subject and it will take a little bit of work to overcome it.

For the most part worry is driven by an unseen situation or problem that is outside of our control. Something that hasn’t happened yet and may never actually happen. Does it make sense then to be driving yourself crazy with worry over something you don’t even know will happen? Something you cannot control and cannot be 100% sure of the consequences of? I am sure you will agree that it is not. Yet we continue to do it.

How do we overcome the worry or at least slow the cogs in our mind from spinning out of control though?

First , you need to understand what the problem or situation is and remind yourself that it has not yet happened and may never happen. So, the first question you need to ask yourself is:

  • What is the problem or situation creating your worry?

Next you want to look at is whether the situation is within your direct control and ask:

  • How much control do I have over this situation or problem?

You need to be really honest with yourself on this question and be sure you not blaming someone else for something that is within your control. If you do have direct control over it then you are able to take charge of the steps to change the outcome more easily. When you cannot control it, let it go. If you can, worrying about these situations is pointless as there is little you could do to prevent them should they happen. The only thing you can control in situations that are outside of your locus of control is how you will respond or react to them. Examples of situations outside of your control could be things like natural disasters or how others behave or choose to live their lives.

Letting go is often easier said than done. It can help to put the problem into perspective with the next set of questions.

Ask yourself:

  • On a scale of 1 -10 how likely is this situation or problem to happen? (10 being the highest)
  • What is the absolute worst that could happen?
  • What is the best that could happen?
  • What is the most likely to happen?
  • If it were to happen what are the chances you would be ok within 1 Day, 1 Month or 1 Year?
  • Is there anything you can do to minimize the consequences right now?
  • How will you cope with it should it happen? What will you do?
  • Have you had to cope with a similar situation in the past?
  • What did you do that time?
  • Finally, now that you have looked at the problem or situation causing you worry from all angles how terrible is it actually? (Absolutely Terrible being 10)

Going through this exercise should help you put the situation or problem into a better perspective. Although you may not be able to stop the situation or problem from happening. Thinking about it differently and looking at it from all angles helps to change our thinking about it. This will change the resultant emotion and reaction to the situation.

I hope you have found this article useful.

Until Next Time,


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