What a great week. I received hundreds of emails from you about this topic and how it has increased your bottom line. This is what makes all the time it takes to put these tips together, very worthwhile when I hear from you that you’ve implemented the concept and the results it brought to you. Thanks again for letting me know.
Now, let’s continue on this topic and go over the other two reasons customers stop buying from you.
Number 3. This reason, why a customer became inactive, is because something caused an interruption in their buying habit. When you recognize this type of an inactive customer, it is the easiest to reverse. This is because the interruption is usually something temporary, and the cause has no negative reflection on you.
There are many reasons for this interruption. For example:
It might have been a change in the seasons.
It might have been because of a family emergency.
It might be because your hours are inconvenient for them.
It might be because they moved.
It could be many other events that occurred in their lives, where they just completely forgot about you.
Even if your customer or client has gone to another supplier, vendor, or service provider, it is a very easy process to reactivate and reclaim them to becoming your customer once again.
All you have to do is to communicate with that customer, preferably in person, if you can justify it, or by telephone. It that isn’t possible, send the customer a personal letter. In next weeks tip, I’ll give you a sample of two letters to could massage to your business.
But, regardless of how you contact the person, the approach should be the same. You should express your concern for their well-being. Explain that you’ve noticed that they haven’t visited for a while, and that you hope everything is all right with them or their business or their family.
Let them know that if there is any problem, you want to help out. You want them to understand that once they become a valued customer, that they become more than just a financial transaction. I hope all of you reading this feel the same way about me.
You all become a dear and valued friend, somebody I care about, and somebody whose well-being and success is utmost in my mind. I always express that if there is anything I can do to help you, I stand ready to do it.
If you do and feel the same as I do, your message will be received with thanks and this sincere communication with them, will be enough to turn the tide. They will be very appreciative of the call or letter and will start becoming your customer all over again.
Imagine how powerful this is and all it took was to communicate with them.
The last reason a customer stops doing business with you, is that somebody came up with a seemingly superior promise, advantage, or benefit, either in a comparable product or service or something entirely different.
It might not even be any of these reasons, but your customer perceives that this alternative product or service might serve their needs better than the one you provide.
Perception is very important in our discussion. It is important to remember that the perceived superiority of your competitor’s product or service may be just that, a perception. Your job is to counter that perception by building and strengthening your position by reminding them of the unique advantage, benefits, or results your product provides.
Perhaps, in the past, you didn’t go out of your way to continually communicate how it benefits them to being your customer. If I can be very blunt, perhaps you may have taken your customer for granted. The answer is to thoroughly educate them by giving them information that shows why and how you do more for them than the competition.
Again, I’m going to bring up the importance of your Unique Selling Proposition. You may need to revisit it and ask yourself, what benefits, advantages and what better results does your product or service provide over the competition?
You should constantly be reviewing your USP and make a list of other benefits, other advantages, better risk reversal, guarantees, etc. so that you can re-present your product or service to your inactive customer and have them see you offering something more.
Consider offering them an advantage to come back. Say something like, “you probably never realized we did all of these things, “ or “ I didn’t offer these things in the past, but now we’re new and improved. Give us a chance to demonstrate how much better the process of doing business with us is, and we want you back. So we are offering you….â€
Offer them a great “comeback†offer that is so irresistible, you will be guaranteed to get them back as a customer, even if you don’t earn anything on this initial offer to get them back. Why would you do this? Because all of you know that it is cheaper to sell to an existing customer than spending money to get new customers.
In reactivating lost customers, it is very important that your voice and presence, promote concern for their well-being. All it takes is a little practice before you will reactivate all of your lost customers.
Current customers may be your greatest asset, but your old and inactive customers aren’t far behind. I urge you to make every effort you can to win them back. You won’t regret putting forth that effort, because most inactive customers can be reactivated
Always remember. The responsibility for reconnecting is yours. It’s up to you or one of your associates, to call, write, or personally visit your inactive customer.
Well, that’s it for this week. Again, let me know the results you have after you implement these ideas.
Also, please check out my new training program, the Build Your Business Fast Academy and let me know what you think. This program can help you transform your business and learn from my years of experience and success, in which I created over 6 million customers.