Genesis Onomiwo
Titles are great, impact is greater >< Forbes Accelerator Cohort '20
One reason most people can’t seem to “just get started” is because they tend to focus too much on the big picture at the expense of focusing on how to realize it. This big picture is the picture of their desired outcome- their intended destination. This big picture syndrome is why some keep holding an overrated self-esteem of themselves whilst also exaggerating their personal self worth.
Although it’s actually good to have a destination in mind, it is equally important to know that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step; I mean a step in the right direction. After all, Rome was not built in a day. You must first start small to grow big. You must be ready to swallow your pride where necessary and start from where you are with whatever you’ve got.
If for instance you would like to build a fortune 500 company but don’t even have a job at the moment or even a dime, it might be in your best interest to either go pick up an employment first- both in order to gain the experience you need to be able to survive when you eventually start your own business and also make some money by the side; or you could decide to sign up with a network marketing company, or just go into partnership with someone who has the needed capital to fund your new business. Bottom line however is that you don’t have to wait till everything is perfect, till all your ducks are finally in a row. You’ve got to go start ANYHOW- so far it means starting sensibly.
One other reason why you’re not starting now may be due to procrastination- putting off what you should be doing now till a later time. This could either be as a result of laziness or just mere excuses. But it is always better to make hay while the sun shines. The time you currently have will not always be there. The idea you currently claim to be exclusively yours will not always remain yours- because someone else may soon stumble on the same idea and then do something about it. A stitch in time, my friend, saves nine. The truth is that when it comes to ideas and getting started, time is the last resource you want to joke with, because it has the power to either make or mar your chances. This is because a single idea properly executed at the right time can make a man live as a king the rest of his life!
Think about the founders of Google- Larry Page and Sergey Brin; Facebook- Mark Zukerberg; Microsoft- Bill Gates, and the others; their story is the result of starting all the same, starting no matter what; and starting at all cost just right on time. You too must decide to remove the phrase “would have” from your story and immediately swing into action and JUST GET STARTED!
? Genesis Onomiwo
Brand Architect helping businesses and individuals increase their brand value, performance, and profit