The easiest way to not feel dead inside
Lucy Maeve
Professionally successful yet personally unfulfilled? Want to feel empowered, alive and excited about life again? Come, I'll show you how | Trained with Gabor Mate | Ex JP Morgan | Featured in the Telegraph & BBC
A few weeks ago, I spent a week in the desert.
It took 5 hours to get there, 3 hours of which were on a dirt road strewn with shredded tyres.
I'd never had any desire to go to Burning Man but when I found out there was a South African version, I figured maybe it would be less commercial and less vomit-inducing so I took the plunge.
Let me tell you something:
It is f-ing WEIRD living in an environment which bears absolutely zero resemblance to normal 'reality'. It's almost hard to find yourself in it when it feels as if your entire life exists in an alternate universe. The 'normal' world felt so mundane, so system-y, so 'safe'.
And here is the thing humans NEED systems to feel safe.
We thrive on routine, things running the way we expect them to, shelter, access to water and food. We thrive on systems.
And yet....
Too much routine and our soul withers in the same way that every pot plant I've attempted to keep alive shrivels as soon as I turn my back.
We need routine. We need systems.
But we also need wildness.
Back when I spent most of my life hunched behind 6 screens on a trading floor my life was filled with systems.
I had systems.
In many ways, they kept me grounded. Life ran like a Swiss train. Smooth and steady (but boring AF).
When I finally up-ed and left my systems-driven life, I unearthed the long-lost key to my wildness.
My wildness had me find a new way. It had me break free from the monotony of routine and commit to a life of exploration, of play, of experiment, of creativity.
So many of us, unknowingly, subscribe to a life of systems and then wonder why we feel dead inside.
Our sense of safety is fed by our systems but our zest for life, creativity, love and joy are fed by our wildness.
We need both in balance to thrive.
So my question for you today is... if you're feeling dead inside and have unknowingly subscribed to a life of only systems...can you dig out the key to your wildness and try a new way?
L x
P.S. If you're looking for a new way and your soul is withering under the weight of your systems.. come and say hi, and let me show you the way..