The easiest solution for Millennial's biggest problem.
Alright, its Saturday midnight but this can't wait till tomorrow morning. So writing it down. This article is purely dedicated to all the millennial and its very important.
The world around you is changing rapidly. Be it fundamental systems of world like education, health, transportation, technology, global economies or the way businesses operate or most importantly the way people function. Its getting very very difficult for millennials to understand everything that's rapidly happening around them. Apart from this we are also going through fundamental changes in our behavior, like we are very impatient, we are low on self esteem, we are partially confused on almost everything. So to sum it up we are pretty fucked up.
Millennials are the luckiest generation ever to be born in this era, but are unlucky enough to not understand this.
Its because we lack perspective.
We tend to manipulate the information in a way we want it. Since we don't have perspective, it becomes more dangerous. For example we read quotes like "working smarter instead of working harder". But we interpret it in a total different way. Because of which, we have literally excelled the art of cheating in exams and copying assignments for getting good grades or passing exams because it is smart and takes less effort.
But when you bring perspective into the picture, it was never about 60 : 40 or 70:30. You understand that its 100:100. You understand that you work smart and hard both.
Theory is simple.You work smart when you have already worked hard enough that now your brain automatically develops the capabilities to do the work in a much smarter way.
There are many more examples but for now I just want to make a point and give a solution.
- Conversation with my grandfather - twice a month
- Conversation with my mom and dad - daily
- conversation with myself - every second
I picked up my phone and had those conversations in order to understand why things are not working out for me. And guess what, it started working out for me and I started doing it regularly.
For example
conversations with your grandfather will tell you that most of the people of their age talk about the things that they didn't do but always wanted to do, the things they regret. Conversation with your parents will give you the perspective of the wrong decisions they made, how much patience is important when things didn't worked out. Its because they have faced all of it. You have never got a chance to face the great depression or the bubble burst or the financial crisis. Our parents have successfully passed through it.
So I desperately want you to pick up that phone, have that conversation, get their wisdom and create your own experiences( doesn't matter good or bad but its important)
No matter how much the world changes but the above 3 conversations will give you the perspective of things and life would be more sorted.
Cheers. :) I got to sleep now.