Easiest Sidenav you will ever get to integrate with your React Js project!
What's up React Developers! We all know how painful it is to integrate a Sidenav to our project. However, it is relatively easy to setup using Material UI or Chakra UI but the problem is, these do not have any kind of submenu. We all know how important sub navigation menu is right! Duh! Also, when we use React Router/Next.js page URL system to make navigation functional it is very painful to put these URL's all over the place and making all these error checking.
So I decided to share my improved version of material UI Sidenav which supports submenu system perfectly! Also it uses JavaScript object to assign URL for each menu/submenu which will only take merely a minute or two to grasp and start using into your own project.
How to use it: This is actually pretty simple. Just go this link. Copy the code from Component.js. Then use it as instructed into that GitHub page. Please let me know if anything unclear to understand!