Ease Your Stress at Work
Nikken International, Inc.
Together, we can make a better world where we not only survive but thrive - just as nature intended!
The so-called “9 to 5” grind can get you down, whether you’re a worker bee or a manager. Some stressors for employees include low salaries, workloads that are too heavy, lack of growth or advancement opportunities, limited or no managerial support and the feeling of having no control. On the other hand, being a boss can be overwhelming with endless meetings, hard-to-make decisions, budgetary concerns, disgruntled workers and decreased earnings.
So, what’s a body to do when there’s too much stress at work? Be self-aware. Listen to what your body is telling you as it reacts to stress. Once you identify the stressors, be proactive so those stressors do not chronically bother you. Here are some possible stress-busters:
?????????? Write it down. Make this recording of your experience as detailed as possible. Who or what was the source of the stress? How did you feel? Where were you? How did you react? Was the issue resolved to your satisfaction? If it occurs again, would you behave differently? Writing it down helps clarify what actually happened. It also helps you have closure and to put it in the past so you can move forward.
?????????? If the tension is caused by a person, talk it out when calmer and even if you don’t achieve the ideal response, you will feel better having given it your best effort.
?????????? Exercise regularly. The reason health experts are constantly encouraging exercise, exercise, exercise, is because it works. Exercise helps you relax, sleep better and have a calmer mindset.
?????????? Get grounded. Many therapists recommend the 5-4-3-2-1 technique because it engages all five senses. List things around you, working backward from 5. You could start by listing five things you see, then four things you hear, three you can smell, two you can touch or feel, then one you can taste.1 Connect to nature on a regular basis.
?????????? Breathe! Be mindful of your breath and inhale slowly, hold, then exhale slowly. Try this right in the middle of a stressful situation, and you might be happily surprised at how quickly it works to calm you down.
?????????? Don’t take work stress home with you. Give yourself boundaries and permission to relax and recover from daily work stress.
From now until May 31, you can get the KenkoGround? earthing mat and the Kenko Precision Set at 40% off. They may help you bust your stress!