EASE Update - Issue 1

EASE Update - Issue 1

Welcome to the first edition of EASE Update - the brand new bi-monthly newsletter from the European Association of Science Editors.

We have launched this new initiative to stay in contact with those of you working in the scientific and scholarly communications and publishing industries who have connected with EASE in some way.?Please feel free to share it with your colleagues.

For over 40 years EASE has provided career enhancing training and development activities, guidelines, resources and articles, as well as friendly conversation to all editorial roles in the academic publishing world, extending beyond our membership to the wider scholarly community.

For the first time in the history of our vibrant organisation we are launching a public newsletter to share details of initiatives and publications available to non-members, plus some little tasters of the benefits available with a full EASE membership for you to consider.

We have also sent this to our new non-member mailing list. If you would like to sign up, please feel free to join our Mailing List to receive every EASE Update, and more information about events and activities open to all from EASE.

We hope you enjoy this first edition of EASE Update, and we look forward to supporting your editorial journey.


Our members enjoy a Spring and Autumn series of webinars as part of their subscription package, and we are pleased to make these available to purchase for all in our Shop, enabling you to select those of most value to you.?

Our regional chapters and special interest groups also offer a wide range of free webinars and events which you can join live, or access via our YouTube channel at any time.? ?

Our first webinar of the new season is:

Equity, diversity and inclusion in publishing: initiatives from The Lancet Group

Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 3pm (UK time)

with Ana Heredia, PhD , Diana Samuel , and Zo? Mullan

Publishing consultant Ana Heredia hosts this session with Zo? Mullan, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Global Health and Inclusion & Diversity Lead, The Lancet Group and Diana Samuel Acting Deputy Editor, The Lancet Digital Health. The Lancet journals began taking equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) more seriously in 2019, with the publication of a special issue on women in science, medicine, and global health. Since then it has followed up with content and initiatives aimed at contributing a range of dimensions of EDI, as well as taking on an EDI Lead and developing a formal strategy.

Recognising that different journals have varied capacity to contribute to EDI efforts, the speakers will talk about the importance of EDI from a scientific and social perspective, discuss some suggested pillars for an EDI strategy, and share a range of examples of EDI initiatives – large-scale and small-scale – from across The Lancet family of journals.

Coming up over the Autumn our webinar series also includes:

AI as a sustainable writing and translation aid in scholarly publishing

with Susanna Fiorini , Scientific coordinator, OPERAS Tuesday, 17 September, 2pm (UK time)

This presentation will provide publishers, editors, authors and translators with guidance for informed use of AI-based writing and translation technologies in scholarly publishing.

Register: price £25

Science Graphics

with Jen Christiansen , Senior Graphics Editor, Scientific American? Tuesday, 15 October, 2pm (UK time)

An explainer on science graphics, answering how they fit into the practice of science communication, and how can you use them to connect with different audiences.

Register: price £25

Marketing and selling: essential skills for freelance editors

with Malini Devadas, PhD , MD Writing and Editing and The Confident Freelance Editor Wednesday, 16 October, 10am (UK time) In this brief presentation you will learn the difference between marketing and selling and why it is important for any editorial freelancer to learn these skills.

Register for free

Video recordings on our YouTube channel

EASE has its own YouTube channel, where we post recordings of past events and training sessions. Our open webinars are available for the public to view, and members have access to additional videos through our Resources Hub. Non-members can purchase any of our member-only webinars through the EASE Shop.

A recent highlight from our open webinars came from our Nordic Regional Chapter debating 'Do print scientific journals still have a role?' with Ines Steffens and Are Brean .

As well as being an EASE Council member, Are is Editor in Chief of Tidsskriftet - The Journal of Den norske legeforening . The Journal publishes online first and attracts more that 10 million yearly page visitors, yet, he and his team has chosen not only to keep the print version of the Journal, but also to strengthen it. Is this going backwards into the future, or is the imminent death of paper exaggerated?

This excellent and insightful session tackles these questions and provides ideas on engaging audiences, promoting papers, communicating research in novel ways, and layering the content of your publications in ways that are relevant to both physical and digital formats.

Watch the recording


EASE offers a variety of training, workshops and webinars on an extensive range of topics, with expert speakers and experienced trainers addressing current key issues, hot topics and core skills. The Autumn edition of our School for Manuscript Editors and Academic Authors is currently underway, with our Editorial School for Journal Editors starting in October.

Editorial School for Journal Editors

The Editorial School for Journal Editors is an online eight module course, divided into two parts, of four modules each. The two parts can be taken separately without attending Part I or Part II in order. Registration is now open for Modules 5-8, which will start in October 2024.

  • Editors: making good decisions, with Elisa De Ranieri . This module will consider how decisions are made, implicit and explicit bias, how decisions are communicated to authors and the wider public, and how decisive skills can be improved. Wednesday, 2 October.? ?
  • Publishing impact: developing a journal, with Duncan Nicholas .? This module will look at how editors can easily build development strategies that are realistic and practical to their own busy schedules. Wednesday, 9 October.? ?
  • Publishing quality: dealing with authors, with Joan Marsh . This module will look at ways to encourage good authors to submit good research, and how to both engage with researchers, and to build trust and loyalty from them. Editors have the ability to influence an author’s decision on where to submit their work. Wednesday, 16 October. ?
  • Publishing ethics: open science and journal policies, with Jadranka Stojanovski . The final module of this series will look at the policies which journals should create and enforce, and how they can monitor them. It especially considers Open Science in its broadest sense, and the implications for journal editors and the publication of their journals. Wednesday, 23 October.?

The course is available to all, with discounts for EASE members and those in low-income countries.?

Find out more and register

18th EASE General Assembly and Conference?

We are delighted to announce that the 18th EASE General Assembly and Conference will be held in Oslo, Norway on 14-16 May 2025.?

The conference theme will be ‘Editing in the age of misinformation’.

Our Programme will encompass perennial issues around trust and reliability in research within academia and across the public sphere, and addresses contemporary developments in the application of artificial intelligence, large language models, machine learning, and image generation relating to scholarly publishing. We welcome proposals for sessions, speakers, panel discussions, workshops and lightning talks that address any aspect of this theme.

See more information, and submit your ideas to us through our conference programme page.

Visit the conference webpages

Many of our members found their way to full EASE membership through participation in one of our specialist interest committees. These Committees are open to non-members to participate in, and are a great way of developing your skills, sharing your expertise, and getting involved in EASE before becoming a full member.


Following the launch of the Peer Review Quality Assessment page of their Toolkit in June, the EASE Peer Review Committee invite comments and suggestions on the draft of new Peer Review Toolkit entry; Recommendations on Use of AI in Scholarly Communication.

Researchers are already using AIs at a significant scale, for both creation or editing of manuscripts and peer review reports, and yet AI accuracy, effectiveness, and reproducibility remains uncertain. This Toolkit aims to promote responsible and transparent use of AI by editors, authors, and reviewers, with links to examples of current policies and practices.?

You may respond to the draft Recommendations using this feedback form, contact the Committee to share any opinions, policies, and examples that could help them improve this guide. Responses to thi

s RFI may be submitted anonymously until 15 September 2024. EASE Members can discuss the document in the Forum under this post created by PRC Chair, Mario Malicki.?

Why not read the document and add any questions you may have to the forum before completing the form?

The Peer Review Committee looks forward to engaging in conversation on AI and learning what works and does not work in the proposed steps.

EASE produces a range of different publications for our members and the wider community; from articles, reviews, viewpoints, and editorials in our diamond open access journal European Science Editing, to guidelines, statements and resource documents on the EASE website. In this section of EASE Update, we will highlight a selection of recent publications.

Writing Your Research Paper: Tips from EASE Editors

We are very pleased to unveil a brand new official EASE Publication – Writing Your Research Paper: Tips From EASE Editors.

These new guidelines have been created in a collaboration between EASE, @American Journal Experts AJE and Research Square to support authors in writing high quality articles, choosing the most appropriate journals to submit to, and improve success in their research publishing journeys. You can download this for free now!

Download the guidelines

Introducing the EASE Interactive Checklist for Submitting Authors

Ksenija Bazdaric , Joan Marsh , Duncan Nicholas

The new EASE Interactive Checklist for Submitting Authors is intended for use by journal editors and publishers to improve the efficiency and integrity of journal submission processes.? It combines the individual EASE Form for Authors’ Contributions and Conflict of Interest Disclosure and the EASE Ethics Checklist for Authors into a single convenient, easy to complete form, with check-box responses, modernised questions and terminology based around the CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy.

We encourage all journal editors to consider adopting the new Checklist to support their workflows and make it easier for authors to submit their manuscripts. Read the introductory Editorial in European Science Editing.

Get this resource

A journal veracity-diligence index

Bor Luen Tang

In this Review article, Bor Luen Tang from National University of Singapore proposes a novel metric intended to indicate the levels of editorial standards, integrity and responsiveness to ethical issues that a journal demonstrates, highlighting a so-far unquantified value that upholds the integrity of published research.

Read the article

List of predatory journals and publishers; a review for future refinement

fahmi kakamad et al.

This Review article compares and contrasts the features of currently available predatory journal lists, aiming to describe how successfully each list characterises unethical journal activity and the value of information they provide in helping authors and the academic community to easily identify such journals.

Read the article

Article processing charges suppress the scholarship of doctoral students

Joshua Wang

In this new Viewpoint Joshua Wang at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane argues that the current open access publishing model unfairly advantages candidates with personal, familial and/or institutional wealth. Wang says that ultimately, the article processing charges involved in open access publishing suppress the scholarship of doctoral students in a situation that disempowers doctoral candidates, and must be addressed.

Read the article

South African-based health sciences journals' author instructions regarding reporting and presentation of statistical analyses

Gina Joubert

Demonstrating how journals can adhere to good practice standards and enhance the quality of submissions, this article reveals that nearly half of South African-based health sciences journals make little or only general statements regarding statistical analyses and presentation in the instructions to authors, and few mention any EQUATOR guideline.?

Read the article

Have you considered EASE membership?

EASE membership is ideal for all those who are involved in the scientific and scholarly communication and publication industry.

The Association is home to any and every role involved in the writing, publication and dissemination of research, including journal editors, manuscript editors, authors’ editors, copyeditors and proofreaders, commissioning editors, editors-in-chief, academics, translators, publishers, indexers, statistical editors, science and technical writers, journalists, corporate communicators and many more.

While we make many of our activities available to non-members, full subscription to the Association offers some unique benefits. From our dedicated subject specialist groups focusing on authors, researchers, journal editors and manuscript editors, to our Regional Chapter events hosted in local languages, to networking on our lively forum boards or our informal ‘Get Together’ discussion groups, we provide opportunities to make those all-important professional social connections with other members.

As well as individual members, EASE offers discounts for groups, so if you wish to join a number of your journal’s editorial team, or you are from a larger organisation or university, group membership may be the best approach.

Visit our types and rates page?for terms and prices, then contact the Secretary for more information.

We hope you have enjoyed our inaugural EASE Update newsletter. We have also sent this to our new non-member mailing list. If you would like to sign up, please feel free to join our Mailing List to receive every EASE Update, and more information about events and activities open to all from EASE.

We look forward to seeing you at an EASE event soon.

Best wishes,

Cem Uzun, EASE President,

and the EASE Council


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