Earth's most mysterious substance vs COVID

Earth's most mysterious substance vs COVID

It covers around 70% of the globe.

A human adult is made up of around 70% of it.

It has been around forever, yet scientists cannot explain why it is the only element that exists as a Liquid, a Solid & a Gas naturally, it has memory and although the chemical composition remains the same, depending on the environment, its structure changes.

Have you guessed what I'm talking about?


Masaru Emoto's experiments with water showed how music & words, written, spoken and thought, can change the structure of water.

Words work on plants also, here's a clip of students bullying a plant for 30 days.

Media hype and scaremongering takes our attention away from the real issues in life.

Last time I checked, which I admit is a couple of years ago, 5,000 people a day die from not having it, another 13,000 deaths are attributed to diseases associated with it.

Check out the video, A World Without Water.

It's 75 minutes long, but well worth the time invested to get some perspective of what's really going on.

In this video, Flow, 84 minutes, tells us some amazing stuff about this virtually magic substance.

With reference to my comment regarding media hype and scaremongering, according to various studies, most of which can be found by asking Google.

COVID fatalities are around 0.002 to 0.003%, NOT the 2 to 3% first reported, when properly investigated most of the initial deaths were older people who already had complications.

I've NEVER come across any media shouting regarding the 5,000 people dying daily through lack of water.

Nor the 8,000 who starve to death, when the world produces enough food for 11 billion, or the additional 14,000 dying through food-related diseases, poisoning etc.

Lack of water and food alone are responsible for over 40,000 deaths a day.

Every 30 seconds, someone dies from a mosquito bite.

Every day 2,000 people are kidnapped or SOLD into slavery, there are between 30 and 40 MILLION people living as slaves.

Where's the outcry?

We tend to focus a lot on what we don't have.

Watch the videos above and be grateful.

If you have, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and money in your pocket, you're better off than half the population of the world.

Add running water and food in the fridge, that increases to around 75% of the world.

STOP focusing on what we DON'T have and start focusing on what we DO have.

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As the song says, it's not having everything you want, it's wanting everything you have.

Make it a gratitude filled day.


Mike Patterson Profit Improvement Specialist的更多文章

