"Earth's eyes are a myth"
"Earth's eyes are a myth"
"I drown in your eyes and sleep in your hands"
March 1, 2000 nineteen
Midnight – Tbilisi
By Dr. Satar Mokhtarzadeh
What are we going to do? When I stepped up to my own side-I never thought of it: where all the steps are over, my work begins. Undoubtedly, fate is a great thought for anyone it finds.
"From the point of view of love, we need to be honest with ourselves and to know ourselves perfectly, so that we can work out human-looking appearances that are called love and goodness." Niche
Review :
"... what happens from the head of love - it always goes beyond good and bad."
If we accept the definition of "love," that the main force of the normal behavior of an evolved person is unique to a person who manifests itself under the influence of inner psychological forces and gives rise to a kind of monopoly of his happiness-perhaps we can say: The framework of culture and global forces that have influenced humanity throughout history. The purpose of the creation of love by human beings is to create various human pleasures that are derived from the existential conditions of its kind. By believing that he creates his own emotional nature, and in order to understand this subtle feeling, we must examine the historical process-the understanding of the human species in order to understand this creation.
The overall outline of this essay is to understand the concept of love based on the understanding of contemporary humankind and human culture at that time. Since the ethics governing the international community have ignored the historical and contemporary cultural and social realities, the people of this era are struggling with an unprecedented inclination to a lucid and worthless approach to the increasingly confused life and practice of human history.
Here it is necessary to note that this is not a simple command to love. Indeed, I try to introduce lovemaking as a "human possibility." It is an effort to show that without the strong support of a few individuals, all the necessary efforts to "live with love" are condemned to failure, unless a person seriously attempts to develop his personality completely, to the point where he consciously reaches a formative orientation .
The proposed solution in this essay is that there is no cure for this situation-perhaps just perhaps perhaps-the hardest methods-that is, "the real desire and the conversion of intimacy and exclusion of hypocrisy in our love-in other words, turning to love Real between two humans ... "
Because the state of the transition from modern to postmodern - inherited from the traditional society and the old and obsolete roots, has shadowed all aspects of life and social institutions-even the most private sectors, such as the family-this Undesirable state has intensified. People need unity in their views and views to gain a healthy and distant life.
It is important to note that - if there is a difference of opinion between the two people in the common sense of life - there is a difference of opinion, the individual lives apart, and people do not get to the understanding and social connection, and the whole community collapses. "Love" gives its followers a shared vision and prevents human emotional disintegration. Perhaps the only way out of this difficult and complicated situation is to attack the fictitious and false beliefs of today that all-embracing "love" in a frightful conflict and ignore the struggle between being and lacking.
The abandonment of the current culture has been institutionalized to the extent that it is based on popular unanimity without the will and thought leading to a belief in values and worthlessness, or worse than negative negative meanings-the promotion of the modern-day, slave morality of the power and wealth of the world's masters under the pretext of The emphasis on the elimination of loneliness and the rejection of the ancient pattern of thousands of years of human need as a distractor.
The lack of faith and attention to pure human emotions and the emphasis on the frustration of a cross-sectional and unsustainable humankind, as an instrument for acquiring a momentary physique by arguing the instinctive nature of mankind and the mockery of the power of human intelligence and the logic of mankind, The stabilization of the emotional burden and the desire for wealth and fortunes by the perpetrators of the bene fi ts of the productions is the number of instability in the psychological and emotional part as a result of the instability of human emotions and the advent of the interests of the power and wealth and conflict with love. To be
In this way, I believe that by applying the extremely simple principles of the Wali-Net, namely purity and purity and the true desire of loving to lead to love, disgrace and play with oneself, and not the desire of another to deceive, as the cure of human emotional problems and illnesses, is the way to The realization of a "reasonable and balanced personal and social life" can be psychologically and emotionally healthy and happy and beautiful.
Introduction :
"Soul pharmacy on the battlefield / the most effective healing medicine?" - Victory.
Loneliness is one patient, and the other is escape from the patient.
Love - fate - we are
The word "love" has a complex expression, and it is an embodiment of a great secret and greatness. "My formula is love for determining the magnitude of humanity." In fact, it is possible to articulate and confirm life against weakness and neglect of life.
In other words, love is about the reality and passion for an ideal and ideal ideal, while at the same time negating the other - that is, not denying the sense of life. Love, meanwhile, is also a policy or guide: persuading and encouraging an opposite face, and arguing in the form of life-not the condemnation of life and its rejection, which is all full of the possibility of a strong human concealment in its ticks.
Sometimes the right or wrong - the loneliness and the knowledge that man is only - alien to himself and the world - is not just a matter of time and space. All human beings - in moments
The Creator's Integrity-Lover and Knowledge in Power
"It is not possible to be alone with a great thought. I am calling on people to call these thoughts with them-those who do not think this way."
Love means that we, while reconciled with the world, should take an eye out of any comforting hope for a transcendental world. Such an impression is due to the effect of the understanding that good and evil complement each other, and each of them ultimately includes its own counterpart to the extent that morality must reach the end of the line in order to create such love. One experiences death and birth alone. We only get born and die alone.
When we are driven out of the safe place of the mother. - We start the bitter end, which ends in death. Is death a return to life before birth? Is death a repetition of a return to a fetal life in which motion and stillness - day and night - are neither eternity nor time? Is death a means of stopping living as a being alive and coming to be sure of being? Is death the most realistic form of life? Is the birth of the same death and the death of the same birthday? We do not know But while we have no opportunity to know - we are struggling to rid ourselves of all the other things that make us angry. All of these symptoms-awareness of ourselves-time-logic-habit-traditions-call us affiliates of life, and at the same time, we all want to come back to landing in a safe place where they are driven out We are
But how can such a ruling exist? When is it not possible to change the fate to love? There are different interpretations for this article. The change of destiny in the form of the acceptance of love is not a thesis about the world, and the subject of representativeness is completely in agreement with reality.
What we demand of love is desire and the desire to achieve and the will to stay and not to be reborn - is that the footprint of life-a part of death-gives us some truth. We do not ask love for happiness or comfort. But we want to sip this cup of lobes in which these contradictions all vanish - in which life and death are not just two opposites but complementary of a single reality. The re-creation and unblocking of the one in the act of love are unique, and at the same time, a person takes a look at a more complete form of being at the same time. This is not a finding, but a value assessment. Intolerance is an ethical evaluation rather than a theoretical endorsement, as well as the capacity to create a positive interpretation of life.
The notion of the ideal of love is not the love of the external purpose that we seek to achieve, but is a positive interpretation through the state of mind. In other words, the problem solves the problem of skillfully shaping the conditions and the paradox of thinking about destiny with the will to realize an ideal that is opposed to reality.
In our time, love is an almost unattainable experience. A wish for some - perhaps impossible - only for some - maybe! Everything is in conflict with love: ethics-classes-laws-ethnicities and even the lovers themselves. The woman for the man has always been "another" - his opposite and complementary. If part of our existence is in his thirst, the other part, which is equally important, will repel him. It's that in the contemporary world something is something - sometimes valuable - sometimes damaging - but always different.
And worse, at that time, the man becomes a woman by turning the woman into something and transforming her so that the interests-self-will-make him punish and even love-make the woman a penis - by means of an understanding and pleasure - the way. To survive, it changes. Woman is idol - Goddess - mother is a witch - it's fair - but never it's herself. Therefore, our love relationships have deteriorated since the beginning.
While love is a stage of formation and development, it can be understood as a recall in any period that is included. Extensively promoted thinking from the source of humanity can only confirm nihilism as a result of higher forms of acceptance in this perspective. It is now that human love is poisoned from the root today. A ghost is kept between men and women and this ghost is his picture, not himself. The image they want is for each other, and not for the person who has to be adorned with it. When they go to touch, they can not even touch the body and body of their self-made image.
Perhaps this is how the understanding of men and women of the category of love has become so exalted today: Frequently, what the woman understands of love is relatively clear-as if, in her opinion, love is not only purity and sacrifice, donation and forgiveness The perfection of the body and soul is without any reservation and consideration of any kind, he is afraid of his assignment under conditions and for certain reasons, and not always.
This hallucination of the body of obedience to the contemporary image is always upheld, and for most women today, this is the same: he sees himself only in the form of something - in the form of something else. He is never his lady. His being is / is divided between what is really there and what he thinks - and this image is what his family, class, school, friends, religion and love have been to him. He never reveals his femininity because this femininity always manifests itself in a way that men have made for him.
You do not know what you are experiencing
"Love is the love that is needed-love of destiny-this can be my ethics-for it-everything that is good-and make it go beyond its desperate origins"
A person searches for the unique nature of his personality according to his or her basic needs, namely the need for communication to eliminate the feelings of loneliness and isolation from nature and from oneself, also to excellence or work
Love in thought
"I will be among those who make things beautiful. From now on, my love will be the love of destiny."
That the person in this world loses and isolates is separated from nature, this isolation is not seen in any living or animal being. No matter how humans make more freedom, they will feel more lonely. In this way, freedom becomes a negative trait to escape. According to the form of human animal nature, based on the biochemical and psychological basis and mechanisms of physical survival, while humans, in addition to those with an animal nature, are the only organisms that have another distinct nature. This is how love affects the human being.
Love is not part of nature. Nature itself has not made any plans for it. Efforts are human - the most human emotional state in human personality - even if it is human, it is also human and personality. What we ask ourselves and do not exist in nonhuman nature. That is the phenomenon we are creating and destroying every day.
It is somewhat difficult to get a vision of the many phenomena that result from love. We know that the word love actually has two different meanings for men and women, this is one of the conditions of love between the two sexes, which does not consider one's impression of "love" with the feelings of the opposite. Which can be matched together. These are the only barriers between love and us. Most importantly, love is chosen. Perhaps the free choice of our appreciation: the sudden discovering of the most conceived and decisive element of our being.
Today, choosing love is impossible in our society. From the beginning, they restrict the two prohibitions of love: social opposition and the thought of sin. In order to be realized, love must violate the laws of our world. Misleading love is against the rule. It's a bad thing that the two stars commit off of their orbit and interconnect space.
The romantic concept of love that involves dismemberment and escape and disaster is the only conception of love that we know today because everything in our society prevents selective love from being freed. This dichotomy and difference from vision are formed on the basis of the conceptions of feminine and masculine, that is, both sexes (men and women), having regard to the differences that exist both in terms of being and being male, are also understood by the word of love It is different from them, and society is also a tough one.
Sometimes a woman is locked in the image that she has imposed upon her by the male community. So if you go to the free choice, it's like breaking the prison's barrier. The lovers say: "Love has changed him - his love has made him another person." And right with them. It completely transforms the woman's love. If he dares to love - if he dares himself - he must destroy the image of the world in which he has been locked in.
In this pre-judgment, we do not have love from the woman's perspective, except for forgiveness and unconditional provision of the body and soul. This unforeseen forgiveness from the viewpoint of the woman is considered to be self-sacrificing, which can only be a special woman, and Not a man who is a kind of instinctive state.
The man is also discouraged from choice. His range of facilities is very small. When he is a child, he discovers femininity in his mother or sister - and after that, one becomes one with another. The horror of our physical love is conditional on us.
If a man likes a woman, she will expect exactly the same love from her, but most of them will never feel the same woman !? If men find the same grace and forgiveness, they are no longer involved with Meredith! A man can not love a woman, or he will become a fuller woman, not a more perfect man !? It is commonly believed that this difference in the love between women and men is natural, but it is debatable.
Also, the new life brings us closer to extremes, and at the same time, it makes these demands sterile with a variety of prohibitions: ethical, social and even moral sanctions. Love also encourages and obstructs the appetite. All things limit our choices. We need to match our deepest love with the image that our social category likes in a woman or man.
Means of differentiation between understanding the opposite sex of love may be in the sacrifice of a woman. To find a man of this sacrifice is an old definition: "She condemns herself and the man becomes exalted and perfected." It is believed in the belief in love in the perspective of the woman of forgiveness without sacrifice (sacrifice) that the man receives that excellence and perfection, and the aspects of his personality are more and more complete.
It is also difficult to love someone from another ethnic group - another culture - or another class - although it's quite possible that a white man falls in love with a black woman - or a black woman loves a Chinese - and vice versa. But this feasibility fools us from shame - and because we are free to choose - we choose a woman who is suitable for them-as if the only way to be acceptable is to be safe. We never admit we married a woman we do not love.
A woman who may be in love with us - but she can not be her own self. Most men of the modern age believe that they would lose their best years of life with a woman who did not really want to, and until the death sentence is repeated, most women in this era can only do this by changing a word Do!
What in contemporary thinking is, contrary to the above interpretation, is the love of a woman and a man. An opposite approach exists between the understanding of women and men about love, but this contradiction is normal, and, on the other hand, it suggests a possible conception between men and women. . The first step is to know that love is an art, as it is the art of life. One does not accidentally fall in love, but it is the power of his love that produces love.
The society denies the nature of love by the notion that love is a lasting unity that aims at the creation and cultivation of children. The community of love is married to each other. Any departure from this rule is punishable and the severity of the punishment depends on time and place, and usually if the woman is a perpetrator, the punishment is trivial because there are usually two types of moral law: one for men and one for women - Protection of marriage would be justified if society were free to choose, and if this is not the case, the society must accept that marriage is not the real fulfillment of love, but a legal, social and economic form whose goals are contrary to the goals of love.
Given our emphasis on our preconceptions about the male and female conception of love, it is perhaps the most fundamental of society, which is a definitive aspect of the distinction between male and female imagination of love. If both - male and female - are the same: their understanding of their love and behavior is also related to this issue, we do not know what really happened - perhaps a terrible vacuum arises when society is so opposed to love.
In the imagination of human society, family stability depends on marriage, which is merely a supporter of society and its purpose is nothing but reproduction of the same society. Therefore, marriage is inherently deep in conservatism. Attacking it means attacking the cornerstones of society and true love is therefore an act of antisociality, although it is not a deliberate and deliberate way. Since loveism is not consistent with the passivity and the viewer's life is loving, it involves suffering and feeling Attention and responsibility are on the way to its development. The essence of love is suffering for something and its nurturing, that is, love and suffering are inseparable. One loves something that has suffered for it, and the suffering puts something on its own to love it.
Compassion in the way of love and suffering it is one of the basic elements of love, which is the cause of the horror of today's society and opposition to love. Compassion has another aspect of love and it is a sense of responsibility; man wants to transcend his transcendental contribution; the most natural and easiest is compassion and the mother's love for his creature (child), if we accept that love to Itself and others are in principle linked, it seems necessary to justify the cause
But when they love
"The love of life is more or less the opposite of the love of longevity. All this love is thinking for the moment and forever - but never lies in thought."
"Love is a woman to a man and a man's love to a woman - I wish you had sympathy with the gods!" But more than anything, it's a stroke of two animals forever. Bari - your best love is not a painful passionate tale but love It is a burner that should clear your higher paths, you must love love beyond you! So firstly, love to love! And you should drink the bitter love of your love! "
Whenever love can be realized, it breaks down the customary marriage and transforms it into something that society does not want: the emergence of two different entities that create their own world. A world that rejects the lies of the community - it will eliminate time and work - and call themselves down and measure everything. So it is not strange that the society of love and its testimonies punishes it with the same hatred and wants to exclude them from the turbulent world and the banned underground - absurdities and abnormalities. And it is not strange to make love crushes into pure and bizarre forms-scandal-crime.
The discussion is about valuing and neglecting diverse human relationships. A range of tendencies brings together a man and woman, but only one of them is called love. Friendship, love, affection, spiritual attraction, physical attraction and ... One thousand different names can be found for each of these stretches, but one and only one is "love" - when we see the relationship or the sense that these two It is empty: {the depth of intercourse and happiness}, the name of love must be retrieved, as we see in today's societies as a result of marital support - love is prosecuted and prostitution is neglected or Official confirmation. The society's two-sided perception of prostitution is quite revealing. Some nations even consider it a sacred institution - but among our societies there is a prodigious and despicable prostitute! The prostitute is the cartoon of love - the victim of love - a symbol of all the powers that push our world.
Even nowadays, love and decadence are considered as one, and they are considered to be the boon of the individuality of modernity and individuality and liberty of personality. But even this ridiculing of love does not succeed: in some circles, emotional ties are so loose that corruption is the rule of the public. The person who goes from bed to bed is no longer a reptile person! The seductive man-a man who can not go beyond himself because women are always an act of selfishness and anxiety-not like a wandering knight belonging to this time. There is no other seduction in the work, as do not do dives for salvation, and the giants who break Shahshah, and there are also women in this group.
He does not know anything, does not love anything. He who can not do anything does not understand. That which no one understands is worthless. But he who understands; surely he loves, observes, sees that as much as a person feels in something inherent, his love is bigger ... The new physical love is different from, for example, "physical love" - simple - "simple" is a person who is in balance. She is a prime believer - she is an explosive manifestation of human life, while heroes like her, who are not tethered and end up in the end, are not found. On the other hand, modern physical love is almost always a slogan - a word of practice that satisfies. It does not reveal any human condition - it is just another testimony that the community encourages crime and condemns love.
Freedom of lust In the ideal society, the divorce is no longer the conquest of Zafar. The divorce is no longer a way to break the ties - but pseudo-options - a more free choice for men and women, and not more. In an ideal ideal society, the basis for divorce can be the disappearance of love or the emergence of a new love. In a society that everyone can choose - Divorce, such as prostitution, debauchery, fagour and adultery, are rare or obsolete
But love has a border. Has always had Love limits 0 Love is unique to two people. Love should be given to one person, or else the world will be burned. Love is the real human being.
The society pretends to be a general one with the vital unity that it has in itself and for itself. But while it considers its society as indivisible, it has a kind of internal dichotomy that may have begun since human beings separated from the animal category - and for self-restraint - conscientiousness and morality. A vital community of society is the burden of this extraordinary necessity, which must justify its goals and desires, to remain stable.
Sometimes the goals of the society, which appear to be moral, are adapted to the desires and needs of the constituents of society. But sometimes these goals are moral imperatives denied the aspirations of minority groups or important social classes - and sometimes these goals are perpetuated by the deepest instincts of mankind. When the goals of the community are supplemented by human instincts - the society is caught up in the crisis: it collapses or collapses. The components of such a community are no longer human and they become an impotent tool.
The inherent duality of societies - and that every society strives to overcome this duality by converting itself into a homogeneous social - there are many manifestations of many manifestations: good and evil-lawful and haram-ideal and rational-rational-irrational-beauty and Ugliness - sleep and awakening - poverty and wealth - bourgeoisie and proletariat - ignorance and wisdom - imagination and reason. With the irrevocable movement of its existence, the society strives to overcome this dichotomy and transform its single hostile components into a whole.
In this effort, however, the only person who is involved in the emancipation of all emotional social pressure is asking: Is love a way out of this confusion? Or just a feeling? Or is it a practical promise? If it is true, does it require knowledge and effort? Is love emotional, that depends on the person's luck, which is what, if fortunately, is "caught" by man? Or love is a serious desire to live and nurture what we seal. When there is no serious desire, there is no love. There is a need in humans to always think differently from others.
The community may not understand our behavior, but what should we do? If the community expects to do just the things that they understand and make decisions that they understand, they actually expect life, their level of understanding, and their perspective on life. It does not matter what the community is: irrational or anti-social, but it deserves to be ours! As long as our behavior and our decisions do not harm anyone. We do not owe the explanation to anyone; how many lives have gone down with this explanation and futile efforts to persuade others.
What ultimately demands today's society is another example of false love that can be called passionate love. The basis of this kind of love lies in the fact that love exists only in the imagination, not in the real world. As long as love is a dream, they can share it! As soon as this fantastic love comes to the universe and the two are embraced, they will be frozen in the relationship between the two real people! What the society wants today.
A person who has become aware of himself and opens up the way of life with love, is the man who seeks to see himself and the world as it is. A person who has a sense of responsibility and respect for himself and, given the condition of human love and wisdom, seeks to enhance his personality and integrity with each other.
Love is active, not verbiage, << stability>, not << captivity >>. In general, the active feature of love can be expressed as follows: love is a sacrifice rather than a catch.
Loving someone is not just a great feeling - it's a decision, it's a measure, it's promise. If love was just a feeling, there would be no longer a sense of sustainability in this promise, which we would love forever forever. Feels like it and it may be self-destructive. How can I judge its stability when my action does not relate to arbitration and decision?
But the modern society wants to neutralize this by countering the notion of loneliness and accepting love and replacing it with the logic of loneliness, which is the only thing that makes love possible. Industrial societies, with any kind of ideology-politics or economics, are trying to make qualitative differences-that is, human beings become quantitative equilibrium. Mass production methods are also applied to ethics - art, emotions and emotions. Contradictions and exceptions are eliminated, and this makes us no longer able to reach the deepest experiences that life can bring - that is, discovering the reality of the unity in which the opposites come together.
The new forces, according to the official decree, promote loneliness, thereby forcing love into a secret bondage. The defense of love has always been a dangerous and anti-social activity. Today, defense of love is also a revolutionary thing. The problem of love in our world shows how the community promotes the logic of loneliness in its deepest form. Our social life deliberately eliminates the possibility of true love marriage
Knowledge-creator and disciple-are one
"Only love must be founded" - "the creator's love, which goes beyond his creatures, even his own."
Today, consumerism, moderation, and guiding the tastes of multinational corporations, the commodity exchange system, the commodity of feelings, and the rule of supply and demand in all aspects of human life are a bitter but irrefutable reality. The degeneracy begun by the capitalist system since the beginning of the twentieth century (Freud's psychoanalytic theory) (the reduction of the concept of love for sexuality) and strengthened by his psychological colleagues, to the extent that they are to provide patterns and be and not necessarily for Marriage goes on. That is, the framework for human behavior, that is, its prediction, the same desire of the capitalist system, which can easily be used to consume more of its products.
A woman and husband who do not love each other have to live up to their lives by following the rules and practices they are defined for. It is not always that the values that may seem old but relaxing and necessary for our fast-paced, distressed, superficial, and consumer-oriented society are outdated - because deeply historical and human roots are sometimes the protector of human inferiority. The capitalist relations of our society loses many of its ideals and values, and now love is anything but love.
And in between, love if consciously happens is one of the most striking examples of the dual instinct that makes us deeper into our own self-and at the same time, we come to ourselves and realize ourselves in another, rather than this: emotional death Repossessing everyday, repetitive - worthless solitude and unwanted marriages. Love is the only example of this dual instinct. In the lives of every human being, there are periods that are both separation and arrival - both coercion and will. Each of these steps is an attempt to go lonely - and then to dive into the strange space and understand it.
These start at birth all the time. A baby must be faced with an indissoluble reality - and first respond with cry or silence to the stimulus. The disconnection that led him to life has been disconnected, and he tries to play it with love or love it. This is the beginning of a conversation with one that ends only with the singing on the bed of death. But his relationship with the outside world, as it was in embryonic life, is not passive - because the world wants a reaction. The reality of his actions is made. The great natural disaster world - the chair - the book - everything comes to life thanks to games and fantasies.
The child then creates a magic force of language or a pointer - a pointer or a live wikis in which objects can answer his questions. Language, because it is released from its rational meaning, is no longer a collection of symbols, and once again becomes a subtle living entity. Theological representation is equivalent to the re-creation of the object itself-as the engraving does not open to the elemental human being-but has opened its twin. Speech is once again a creative activity that deals with reality-in other words, a poetic activity. The child builds in his imagination with the help of the universal magic, and thus loses his loneliness. Human self-awareness begins when we doubt the magic of our tools.
Teenage age is in the era of breaking the world of childhood, and a brief suspension on the brink of the great world of a year that is characteristic of adolescence. That man alone is the exact picture of adolescence. It is during this period that we will be aware of our solitary confinement for the first time. But the logic of emotions intervenes once again-because the adolescence itself is extreme consciousness-we can only pass it through our self-forgiveness and self-help. Therefore, only one is not just a time of loneliness - it is also the time of love, heroism, and sacrifice. It is undeniable that all heroes and lover are considered to be adolescents. The imaginary image of a teenager as a single person and loved by her - surrounded by her and burned to the flame of enthusiasm.
She sends her teenager to the world: love-action-friendship-sports-and heroic adventures. As a whole, modern literature is more common in those teenagers, always orphans or offspring - and full of teens. The lonely people who are looking for success: full of truth-sword-and dreams. Adolescence is a serious demand that ends with the step by step into the realm of the world
What can we reign over again on our own? - Landscape Complete
"Time is a time of seriousness. A man finds the best of love within himself."
Human is what is perceptible, man's escape from subtle passion. Sadism and Mazukhism are forms of individual mechanisms for escaping loneliness and anxiety, the sadist man escaping his individual self-esteem by overcoming a person dominated by himself, and he zuhshisty surrenders to a sadistic person. Thus Sadism and Mazukhism are considered to be the sick person's phenomenon, the product of social conditions and the humanitarian existential status of his loneliness and anxiety. In the great age, a man has no supporters, guards, shelters and guidance but his own strengths and abilities. Therefore, one must educate himself in order to be faced with reality. If he accepts that he has no relying power other than his forces, he will learn the correct use of them.
Loneliness is not an adult. When a person struggles with others or deals with things, he drowns in his work and forgets himself in his creativity or in the making of objects-thoughts and institutions. His personal consciousness becomes one with the personal consciousness of others: the time of meaning and purpose becomes, and thus becomes history - it is expressed in meaning and vividly, which has a past and future. Our uniqueness - which is due to the fact that we are at the time - the particular time that we made ourselves, while giving us strength and identity, has not actually been lost, but only dimly It has become more and more meaningfully saved.
Our personal existence is in the history of participation, which becomes - a plan of timeless moments. Therefore, an adult man who is lonely in his creative and life-giving periods is an exaltation! These types of humans are only a large number today, and this shows how seriously our disease is. In the collective work cycle - collective singing-collective recreation - man is ever more delicate. A new age man will never give his heart to what he does. A part of her - her deepest part - is always abandoned and vigilant. Man will stand himself.
Extreme bondage Today, the human machine life of love and work reduces its loneliness and weakness, while the damaged and unhealthy person whose community orientation against him must in some way be able to perceive the damage he sees towards Love and positive freedom and fruitful orientation. A clear and clear proof of the nature and essence of man can not be presented, but what is as natural or natural is undoubtedly related to love and love and affection - because our responses at moments when this feeling manifests itself with Historical evidence and practices seem to fit this nature and nature.
"Work - this is not the only new God - it's no longer creative. It's endless - it's boundless - and it's like unfinished life in the new age, and the loneliness that comes from it - loneliness at times in hotels, offices, shops And the cinema is not a covetous affair that enhances the spirit - it is not an essential prelude to the necessary purification of the soul, it is a mere curse that depicts an outsider world. "
Humanity today disconnects its relationship with its own principle in the sense of freedom from the difficulty of making love, while freedom is in contradiction to loneliness in itself a positive trait. The separation of man from his principle and the increase in the sense of insecurity arising from this separation and over-reliance on himself and his disconnected connections can be called a kind of isolated isolation. The emphasis is on how the way of meeting needs depends on the conditions that each society provides. The power of authority and independence of the individual - the rejection - the choice - and - the decision has been questioned.
The dual meaning of loneliness-the breaking of a world and the effort to create another world-can be understood in our imagination of heroes-saints-and saviors. Myth-Biography - History and art describe the period of loneliness and loneliness of adolescence before returning to the world and acting. These years are the years of preparation and exploration - but beyond those years of sacrifice and repentance - self-examination, atonement, and cultivation
"We have all lived in our lives and within ourselves - in solitude and in isolation, to purify ourselves and then return to the world."
The false logic of loneliness - in the sense of a double movement of pulling back and forth - is clearly evident in every nation's history.
Perhaps ancient societies, which are less complicated than our contemporary society, provide better examples for this dual movement. Although they did not know the meaning of modern love, they did not know anything about one. It is not difficult to imagine that loneliness for those who we call "selfish" and "negligent" - primitive, to the extent that they are horrible and dangerous. In the old-fashioned societies, the complex and rigid system of rules and rituals protects the individual from one and causes deeper emotional connections.
Total - the only source of health. One can not be alone - the dried branch that must be cut and burned - because whenever - one of the components of a society becomes sick, the whole life of the society is compromised. In such societies, following the rules and beliefs of the custom and religion, the durability of the group and unity and solidarity It maintains that the religious rituals and the permanent presence of the dead are the focal points for relations that limit independent action, thus protecting the individual from being alone and dissolving the group, even if it is not romantic.
For humans, the health and society are two terms - as well as death and division. Anyone who leaves her birthday and is no longer a member of the group. He dies and is given a traditional funeral ceremony in his own right. Therefore, the permanent deportation order is equivalent to death. The consensus of the group with the ghosts of the past and its sympathies with the land in these ancient archetypes has been seen everywhere: in ancient societies, when an indigenous man brought a woman from elsewhere, the woman was required to pay a small amount of land every day He will eat the man to get used to changing his habitat.
The social strength of these people is vital and vital. The person is literally a member of a body. Therefore, it is rare to change the person's cult. No one succeeds and does not go astray on his own and his actions, and the actions of the individual are involved in the fate of the whole group, and so, in the absence of romantic love, loneliness is also meaningless.
Despite these precautions, the group is not immune to divisions. Everything can break the group: wars, religious sectarianism, changes in the production system, and as soon as the group breaks down, each of its pieces Faces a new and serious situation. When the source of health - the old, closed society - is eliminated - the other is no longer a threat or incident: it is a matter of principle and ultimate. And this situation leads to a feeling of guilt - not a guilty sense of violating a rule or a law - but a guilty feeling that is part of their pronoun. Or more precisely: the feeling of guilt that is now pronounced.
The loneliness and the original sins are united, and they rejoice and depend on the commemoration of the golden age - a prehistoric period, and only if it can be realized that the Prison broke the time. When one feels guilty, we need to know about forgiveness and a savior too - this hidden essence is in love with the beloved of mankind
Then a new religious and new mythology will be created. The new society - unlike the old society - is open and fluid - because it consists of those who are exiled. The fact that someone was born in a group is no longer a guarantee of belonging to that group: he must have deserved to belong to that group. Gradually the worship takes the place of the magical rules - and at the reception of the individual, the group insists on purges. The thought of forgiveness to religious thought-theology-islamicism and mysticism. The sacrifice and sacrifice are no longer tatami celebrations-they are a means of entering into the new society. A god dies at a given time and resumes in a certain time.
This god is the God of birth and fertility - but it is a savior, and sacrifice is a guarantee to him that the group is the former embodiment of the soil of a complete society that, after death, in that world is a recipe for human expectation. These hopes of post-death life somewhat reflect our regret and nostalgia for the ancient community. Returning to the Golden Age is part of the promise of salvation and a symbol of eternal love.
Of course, the discovery of all these factors in the history of a single society is a difficult task. However, various communities can be found to fit in with each design. For example, after the disintegration of the Hellenistic civilization in ancient Greece and their habitation in different cultures, the necessity to restore the old social and religious disciplines created several new cults that were thinking of providing a secret clique of groups formerly united To return. The mirror of Dionysus and the Utrechian, such as the proletarian cult that flourished with the collapse of the ancient world, clearly shows how a closed society becomes open to a society. The perception of sin - loneliness and atonement has the same dual role here as in The life of a person-that is, the contrast between love and the simultaneous understanding of personal and social in social life.
Perhaps this is because in prisons, historical algebra and social determinism and biological algebra - birth-death-the opportunity-for creation and the need for balance with incomplete human facilities. And while human beings who are so involved with historical and social algebras have no right to think and act accurately - how and with what strength and motivation can they lead themselves to the creation of love?
It is here that the differences are characterized and the personality explanation, which includes the structure, the process aspects of motivation, transformation, pathology, health and intervention, takes place in people who have a strong, distinguished, creative and brave personality, and the majority of the community of love Deprived of true and defined daily routine, and this is the historical path against love, which brings us into a form of emotional modernity that the idolatrous gods call for a modern human being, and in the absence of the death or absence of ancient gods ruling today's humanity have became
Thank you!
"The great achievement of today's humanity is that we no longer have to fear the beasts-barbarians-gods and dreams."
The feeling of loneliness-that is, the desire for sorrow and nostalgia of the physically separated from it-is a desire to find somewhere. According to the old belief, which is practically the belief of all peoples, it is the "place" of the center of the world-the universe of the universe-is sometimes referred to as "paradise" - and that both are considered true or mythical in the group of one . Almost all the rituals of the founding of cities or houses signify the search for that holy center, which has been driven from humanity, as if the endless search for love has originated from this source.
The great sacred places - Rome-Jerusalem-Mecca-are believed to be in the center of the world, or they are portrayed. The pilgrimage of these holy places of reciprocation is what each group in its past mythology did before preaching to the promised land. The drawing of the Tawaf of a house or a sacred place before it arrives also comes from here. That's why it's a perplexity that the element of love for humankind is one of the same myths and myths belonging to those scammers who have been searching for regret, but have failed and gone wrong.
The same legend is "Love Thousand" and is related to this category of beliefs and has been separated from the constructive elements of the concept of love. Many related causes make "Thousand Tho" a lavatory symbol of love and meaningfulness. : A spell or other object that can restore love and health and freedom to the people and is located in the center of the holy city. With a hero or a saint who comes into the "thousand you" or the charming palace after replacing the religion of repentance and the atonement ceremony, and returning the hero to save his city or find a new city is equal to finding the love that is inaccessible in the dust of human history Has disappeared and requires a mythical hero that once again finds and returns and connects the human community to the ideal of the past.
In myth, the mysterious and mystical elements are not nearly as close as possible - but with - asceticism, razurism, and mysticism are closely related and possible: sin - which causes infertility of the land and people in the human realm, on the one hand, and cleansing ceremonies with a spiritual battle - And the end of mercy-that is to say, the connection of love to the other, this disconnected bond is connected to the present time, in this way, returning love from the slack of oblivion to today's time.
Nonetheless, modern optimistic views may also encourage people to do more to avoid unwanted, inappropriate, endless and endless pleasures that even today are present in many societies. And on the other hand, in order to provide security and belonging to man, a move towards love and the provision of appropriate social conditions and the establishment of a healthy society for the proper and healthy satisfaction of basic needs is suggested. In sum, humanistic civilization, which we all depend on and attach to it, can not be saved. Because complex social factors in terms of fruitful bias and fertile love and humanistic ethics are new practical solutions to the crisis, which requires a lot of effort and thought to be practiced, and if these solutions are based on ethical, psychological, Economic, social, and political life, the modern society has opened up its prosperity and ability and continues to expand.
This is the true mission of the true love, the critical settlement that has swept the society because the diseased human beings are the product of the sick society, and only those who are consciously aware of their love in this field are transforming and growing
We are driven from the center of the world and condemned to search it through forests and rocks - or in the winding paths of the "labyrinth" in the underground. A labyrinth in all human myths to leave a true love is the only way to save. Also, it was a time when there was no sequencing and passage - but a constant permanent source in which all the time-past and future-have been. When a man was exiled from this eternity and eternity - in which all the time was one - were left to a point and time, and he was a prisoner of time and calendar. As time went on yesterday, today and tomorrow - to the hours and minutes and seconds, the human was no longer able to stay alone with time - he could not keep pace with the reality of reality, and all the romance myths remained frozen at the coldest point of history until today . When someone says "at this moment" - that moment has actually elapsed. This time-based measurement separates man from the reality-which is now an ongoing one-and so-all the appearances that make reality manifest themselves in it-a frightening illusion of wandering in the absence of love Life - that's where the only hope for life to survive was that the love is dying.
If we look at the nature of these two opposing thoughts, it becomes clear that timing is a homogeneous sequencing criterion that has no qualities. It's always the same - always disregarding pleasure or pain especially that of love. Mythical time - on the contrary - is to be pregnant with all the qualities of our life: to the extent of eternity and to the shortest of one tail - evil or blessed - fertile or ill-loved or graduated. This is the idea and allows for a few different times. Life and time blend together to create an integrated whole - an unity of unity to make life more tolerable. In the opinion of the archeologists, always time was the companion of the place-and each day a companion of one of the four main directions.
The same can be said about the religious calendar. The religious feast is more than just a date or anniversary. The religious holiday is not a celebration of an event - it is a rebirth. Timelessness and timing are destroyed, and now eternal - for a short period - but irreducible - returns again. The holy day becomes the creator of time - Repetition turns into a concept. The epoch returns. Every time a religious ritual is held - at that moment the power of eternity descends here and presents itself to human beings and saves the world just as it is in the myth of love, it creates and resurrects.
Just as true believers are demanding, and myths and religious festivals are not merely the only way to stop it now, it can stop the sequence. Easter gives us a brief moment of the revelation of this genuine time. "More time does not mean eternity longer," and its reference to eternity is the moment of love. Undoubtedly, the concept of time as a constant current and actuality is purely older than a timed one, which is not an immediate understanding of the reality of reality. It is rationalizing its passage.
This dichotomy is expressed in the confrontation between history and myth - or history and art. In myth-as in religious festivals and children's tales-there is no time in history: "Once upon a time ..." - "at the beginning ..." and that beginning - which is not until now and all days - is all beginning, and It introduces us into a viable time in which everything really starts at any moment. Through the ritual ceremony - which brings about a mythical report and re-creates - as well as through the art of mankind, the world reaches out to the world in which the opposites are united and united. As sometimes ritual ceremonies have this character, they are happening now and now. "Every beautiful thing we read is a kind of re-creation - a ritual ceremony - a kind of religious celebration - a kind of romantic expression - a form of manifestation of emotions that all look like The subtle meaning lies in true love in their teeth.
The arts of religious festivals have changed from the meaning of love. The romance episodes that have been lost in religious and artistic domination are a continuous, long and endless historical transformation. In theater performances, in literary reading, the ordinary time remains open and the original time is taken. As part of this partnership, this time myth-father, all times when the veil of reality, is adapted to our internal time and our mental time, and human sentiments fall unconsciously into the same historical conceptualization. The human being-prisoner-sequences-from this invisible prison He comes out and enters a living time: his mental life is aligned with the outer time-because this outer time is no longer a measure of space and has come to originate - and a spring has become absent now that constantly creates itself again-the same as return You are immortal. Repeatable.
Myths and festivals - whether religious or religious - allow human beings to live alone and create one with one another, as they do with romantic myths. So the myth - in the face of a condenser-hidden and hidden-appears in almost all our actions and decisively interferes in our history: the myth of the door opens to us. The contemporary man has made myths pseudo rational - but they have not been able to destroy them. Many of our scientific facts-as well as the majority of our moral, political, and philosophical concepts-are merely new ways of expressing the tendencies that were already embodied in the form of myths. Today's rational language can hardly hide ancient myths behind it because it has hidden the meaning of love
The ideals of cities - especially the ideals of modern political cities, despite their rational converted faces - are a harsh expression of the tendency to make any society think of a golden age that the social group was exiled from, and human beings on that day were blessed It will return. The modern festivals-rounds of political parties-rhosh-rallies-demonstrations and other ritual acts-are ahead of the day that Salvador is coming. Everyone who hopes that the community will return to one's original liberty - and human beings return to its primitive purity - where love and love of the lost imagination are gathered behind the shadows of our time.
Then, another time, we will not suffer between love and love or embarrassment, with doubts - with the necessity of choosing between good and evil and between just and unfair - real and imagined. The kingdom is now fixed-permanent-re-established. The reality of the mask will come from the face - and we will eventually be able to grasp the reality and our creatures.
Any hard-working or obsessive society tries to save itself by creating the myth of salvation and salvation, which is also mythical, with the creation of the myth of creation and creation. The same insight that harbored the human emotional and romantic pioneers in itself has been hidden. The only ones and sin lie in the love affair. The society we live in today also created our own myth. The sterility of the world or ending with suicide - or ending with the creative engagement of other new ones. So: "This is within our daily lives" - this is the essence of our dreams and the meaning of our actions
Last word:
"Because of the lack of tranquility - our civilization is pushing for barbarism"
You alone! My home alone! I've been living in a wild wilderness for a long time, so that I do not go home to you with crying eyes.
In the end, it's good to try to emerge from the romantic labyrinth of this writing to ourselves. 0 Perhaps it can be said that the reason for his deep love love comes from a different form of the cosmic mother's symbol that was born from this human core. The labyrinth, in its turn, is matched with the tone of the mother's mother - penetrating into a labyrinth or cave, the secretive returns to the eagerness of love are equally matched. Getting to something is actually moving away from other things, as it is within the libration! The writing about the labyrinth will always have a form of labyrinth! We began with the concept of love from the beginning of human creation to enter the labyrinth of writing! A labyrinth, a metaphor for amnesia, for writing, and then a labyrinth symbol for a cosmic creation, becomes a corridor we encounter with myths and myths. Every true love is in the form of a cosmic creation. Perhaps this is because at first love has been! The sunlight is shining and perhaps because the symbol of the sun is the symbol of love: the labyrinth is the path of the sun - with it we enter a new corridor of librain, with the difference that the way out may be clear and probable.
Maybe, being lover is better than being beloved. Every non-romantic romance tells us in this world: I succeed in you, but in fact it does not succeed. Since love never disappears. Love is a constant love, love is without stopping and without interruption. Love in the loneliness of any straight line is actually an arc of an infinite circle. Man has a lot of shells that cover the depths of his heart. It knows a lot of things. But he does not know about himself. Today's man likes to pretend that his thoughts are awake. But this awakening of thought has led us to a nightmare, in which torture chambers in the mirror mirror repeatedly end up. When we arrive, we may find that we are dreaming with open eyes, and usually the dreams and dreams of the individual are intolerable, and then, perhaps, we may again want to dream with the blindfold - the romantic dreams of the endless nightmares ...
Remember that Greek mythology is one of the main elements of the romance of the philosophy of human life that has come to us from the millennium to reach love. The battle of Decaux and Minotaur, the Gothic Labyrinth of Crete, is one of the most basic and fascinating stories of the hero's heart that should be ready to enter the thousandth. A labyrinth of both death and love at the same time waiting.
Prietas enters the labyrinth to destroy the gigantic middle-of-the-mill turtlenecks and the food of young men and women-but since he does not know the way back from the labyrinth, he helps a girl who is fond of her. Girl Arianda called for conditional help : In this way he marries him after leaving the labyrinth.
Priest accepts and gives him a string to help him find the way back. After he enters the labyrinth and entomposes to kill the minutur, he traverses the labyrinth from the labyrinth with the help of a clutch that has a head in the hands of a loved one. A collage with one side of it is arranged and just a way out of the labyrinth that ends up in the "heart".
We have to bring a string of yarns to the other, and we have to do some tiling. In fact, the luggage we need in this way is small, but without stepping into a labyrinth, it is a desperation! All of us in this world of our coming will have to be the champion of finding our thread. Entering the labyrinth of life requires real love and love and relationship with the being. To leave the labyrinth, we need a thread to connect to life. A thread that is the main reason why we should not be afraid of the nestingcorridors on the main road that shows the right path to the exit: just one way - the way of love ...