Earthquakes, Wonder Rabbis, and... Your Clients!

My great grandmother's great- grandfather was the famous Rebbe Mordechai of Nadvorna.

Being a descendant of his several times over, I know many, many stories about him... some of which sound easier to believe then others.? And I'm going to share one of those stories here on LinkedIn...

One year, Rebbe Mordechai of Nadvorna, on Rosh HaShana was in the city he lived in later in life, called Bishtina (Bushtyno).? On the first day of Rosh HaShana, there was an earthquake. The entire city felt the tremors. This was very interesting, because that area of Europe (near Chust, Munkatch, Ungvar) did not experience earthquakes often at all!?

Rebbe Mordechai remarked, "Der erd tziteret va'al ze veyst vemmin m'geit in ihr arainleigen". (Translation: "the earth is trembling because it knows who is going to be put in to it.")? On the following day, the second day of Rosh HaShana, there was another quake.? Again, an unusual occurrence! And two days in a row! Rebbe Mordechai again remarked; "der erd tziteret va'al ze veyst vemmin m'geit in ihr arainleigen."? And (you guessed it.) on Yom Kippur, eight days later... a third 'erd tzitternish' (earthquake!)? And a third time, Rebbe Mordechai remarked, “Der erd tziteret va'al ze veyst vemmin m'geit in ihr arainleigen."?

On the first day of Sukkos, Rebbe Mordechai of Nadvorna passed away. (If you daven in a shul of any descendant of Rebbe Mordechai of Nadvorna, you probably know they make a major kiddush the first day of Sukkos. That's for his yartzeit!

So... Rebbe Mordechai, in hindsight, was referring to (gasp!) his own petirah, his own forthcoming passing on..? What a story!

Let's put it this way: I believed the story, but wouldn't exactly pick it as a story to tell my non-Hassidic friends...

Enter a cousin of mine into the picture; A successful attorney in Brooklyn.? most years, he puts out a booklet of "previously unpublished stories" about our joint famous grandfather...

One year, I opened the annual pamphlet and saw several pages of data tables--in Hungarian!

"What's that doing here??" I wondered.?

Well-- he had gotten from the Hungarian government, where Bushtyno was located then, and had gotten the answer to a simple query:? "Please send me a historical record of all earthquakes in the general area of Bushtyno, Ukraine since you began logging them."? And the response, pages of data in Hungarian-- made it into the booklet.

Why? Because it shows that over the last 250 years or so, only three earthquakes ever happened in that area at all- with the epicenter being Bushtyno.? I'm no longer scared to say I believe this story, 100 percent. I'm not scared to tell it to my friends, or even to publicly go on record with the story.?

Why? Because it's not "just" a Hasidic folk tale anymore!

It can be proven, with non-affiliated third party data, supplied by the Hungarian government, who has no vested interest in the outcome.? Ultimately? Because I can prove it really happened with outside verification. Not that it happened "because I heard it once upon a time," but rather because it's backed up and verifiable by outside sources. makes

The people you do business with are very much the same. Don't make them have to believe you, or trust you. Rather, let third parties with no vested interest in the outcome do the selling for you. When people see the results other people have from your product or service, they know that you really are good at what you do. The skepticism of "Of course he says that, he wants my money!" melts away...?

And that's why still today, I appreciate testimonials every single time. It's the best proof element you can possibly have; and when the client feels comfortable with you, they will buy sooner, for more money, and be faster to send referrals.

Thank you for reading! For those wanting to light a candle in his memory, the name is Rebbe Mordechai Ben Rebbe Yisachar Ber, of blessed memory.

Thank you for reading!

Zalman Kastel AM

Founder and Dean at Together for Humanity

3 年

Yasher Koach Issamar Ginzberg a lot to love about this post. An uplifting story. Sharing the rich flavour of the chasidic way of life with the wider world in a way that makes sense to everyone. May this Kiddush HaShem cause an Aliya (elevation) to your ancestors soul.


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