Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Todd Turner

Earthquakes and Tsunamis

I read an article about a group of businessmen who said after the Indonesian earthquake in 2008, “We have been through this before and we will rebuild.”?“We have had SAR’s”, they said, “and we have had the Bali bombings and now this”.?“We will rebuild our island and our business.”?

Imagine the strong mind and will of these men as they see this havoc and destruction all around them.??However they had the vision already to see a better future and to continue on.?Wow, that takes resolve, determination and a spirit of self-belief.?I would imagine that if we had spoken with these same businessmen in two years’ later they would again have good businesses thriving, but they will also be prepared for the next event.

?Attitude determines altitude

They had the right attitude.?Your attitude determines altitude.?When David and Goliath, came head to head, the Israelites said, - “He is too big to bring down”.?David’s attitude was totally different.?He totally believed in himself and said, “He’s too big to miss,” and he focused on bringing Goliath down.??

Attitude has a lot to do with your success and your ability to get what you want, as the businessmen in Bali demonstrated. .?Remember your capacity far exceeds your current level of performance as the businessmen in Bali realised.?If you really want to rise to the top in your current employment invest one hour every day to learn more about yourself and your industry.?Developing this single habit can make you an expert within five years.?Success is the continuous pursuit of knowledge.


People who earn $50K a year have $50K a year habits.?People who earn $500K have $500K habits.?To change habits you must first accept your present situation and financial reality.?The margin between mediocrity and success is very small, when related to time and effort.???You have to choose what you want.?For some being prosperous is too hard and they fall back into their old ways – there is no process to move them to where they want to be.??Again, they have a focus problem not a money problem.

?Be like the businessmen in Bali, and have great habits that will sustain you through any event that occurs.?


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I’m Pete O’Keeffe.?

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I’ve been mentoring CEO's and Business owners for over 23 years.?

Many have increased their profits by over 150% and reduced their hours of work so they spend more time on doing the things they enjoy, away from work.

I believe Business owners need to ensure they balance Business and Personal time.


?My book,?Family Matters, So Does Business, 5 ways to keep your Family & Business Flying ?was an Amazon #1 bestseller in 2020.

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