Earthquakes in north and south as the extinction of an old adversary looms.
Photo from Myrdalsj?kull (Katla) by Art Bicnick

Earthquakes in north and south as the extinction of an old adversary looms.

Hello dear readers,

Lots of seismic activity to report on during the last 6 days. Most notably a strong earthquake pretty much within the caldera of?Katla, one of the biggest volcanoes in Iceland. The surrounding area was closed for traffic for awhile but has since been reopened.?

Also a series of strong earthquakes started in the ocean South West of the Reykjanes peninsula which is still ongoing. Even activity near Grímsey has reassumed after a week of relative quiet.?

It's not only earthquakes?to report on this week?though as there are also sad/good news of Icelandic "wildlife".?The infamous crab lice are thought to be all but extinct in Iceland because of loss of suitable habitat?in recent years. Read more about that below this new episode of Super Natural Iceland!

In this episode Valur tells us about Icelandic warlocks of old and how they managed to bend natural elements to their will.

There is much more Icelandic news to be found on of course and always feel free to stop by at our Grapevine Store!

Until next time,

Your friends at the Reykjavík Grapevine!


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