Wanda Weaver
Award winning, freelance copywriter, skilled with producing web content, commercials, scripts and ghostwriting.
After feeling a 3.6 earthquake yesterday in L.A. while sitting at my computer, it was a jolting reminder that nothing is guaranteed in life. As I experienced a mini panic attack, wondering if this was the “Big One”, my mind raced, thinking about what to do next. Should I take cover under the wooden table in the dining room? Or, should I grab my earthquake bag containing a protein bar, water, a blanket, flashlight and pair of shoes, and wait it out. I realized how ridiculous any action was if this was the big one. I could take cover and pray. Beyond that, it was totally out of my control.
After several seconds passed, I decided it was a minor quake and I could breathe again. I glanced outside to see bubbling ripples in the pool. Okay, I was safe and it was over.
Then today I hear about another earthquake in Mexico of 7.1. Now, that’s serious. People were literally shaken up at that magnitude. This occurred after several life threatening hurricanes hit two different U.S. states and another one is swirling around the Caribbean. What the heck is happening?
We human beings better get it together - stop worrying about someone’s skin color, religion or sexual preference. It seems like it takes a catastrophe to bring us together which is sad. Perhaps the universe, God or someone is trying to tell us to treat each other like family. We’re in this together and life is not a dress rehearsal.