Earthing and Reforestation
Rehabilitate, reforest, conserve and protect degraded public forest land back to healthy indigenous forest ecosystems
We've all heard the saying, "Go barefoot in the grass." But have you ever wondered why? It turns out, there's a scientific reason behind this age-old practice. It's called earthing, or grounding.
It's the practice of connecting directly to the earth, often by walking barefoot.This can be done by walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil. When we connect with the earth, we're essentially grounding ourselves, absorbing electrons from the planet. While it might sound a bit unconventional, it's gaining popularity for its potential health benefits.
Our reforestation team at the coast has been unknowingly practicing earthing. Due to budget constraints, many of our team opts to work barefoot rather than invest in specialized footwear. What initially seemed like a necessity has turned into a surprising advantage.
By connecting directly to the earth, our team members are grounding themselves.
The Benefits of Earthing Studies have shown that earthing can have numerous health benefits, including:
Reduced stress and anxiety: Earthing can help regulate the body's stress response.
Improved sleep: Connecting with the earth can help improve sleep quality.
Reduced pain: Earthing has been found to reduce pain, especially chronic pain.
Enhanced immune function: Earthing may help boost the immune system.
Improved circulation: Earthing can help improve blood flow.
How to Incorporate Earthing into Your Life It's easy to start incorporating earthing into your daily routine. Simply take off your shoes and socks and walk barefoot on the grass, sand, or soil. Even a few minutes a day can make a difference.
Join Us in Our Reforestation Efforts We're committed to protecting our planet and restoring our forests. By joining us in our reforestation efforts, you can help make a positive impact on the environment while also experiencing the benefits of earthing.
Visit our website to learn more and get involved.
When the earth beneath your feet does call, Its quiet pulse, a balm for all. Bare and humble, connect once more, Where roots and sky hold ancient lore. Ground yourself, let nature's song, Heal the weary, make you strong. The earth, in her wisdom, whispers true, A place of peace, both old and new.