Earth and Plastic: From boon to curse
The conflict between earth and plastic is increasing at a rapid pace and the entire humanity and biodiversity is being continuously affected by it. Plastic, which was invented as one of the biggest? achievement of the 20th century and a boon for human life, has gradually distorted its form and has appeared as a big threat to the entire civilization. After the first invention and use of plastic in the form of Bakelite in 1907, its various types and use by the common people continued to increase without thinking about the future consequences. The situation has reached to such a point that on April 22 this year World Earth Day will be observed with theme Planet v/s Plastics. Today, fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on plastic is beginning in Ottawa, the Capital of Canada. It is aimed at reaching to binding treaty to overcome? plastic pollution. It is expected that this time the INC will agree on the agreement and will also pass a resolution regarding the action plan for implementation.
In the past years, steps have been taken to ban plastic
Among the many arguments presented by the supporters of plastic, that it is responsible for only three and a half percent of GHG emissions. But, the reach and magnitude of plastic can be gauged from the fact that plastic has been found in abundance at a depth of 36,000 feet in the Western Pacific Ocean and as high as 29,000 feet in Mount Everest. This is the thick plastic which is clearly visible to all of us. Despite widespread public awareness and efforts at every level, we are still unaware about the plastic that has made its way into our bodies. We do not even know how many types of chemicals harmful to health have entered the body along with plastic. Probably, there is no place left on this earth where plastic has not reached. The use that started in urban areas has reached rural areas also in some form or the other. After that, the disorganised or unavailability of disposal has made the problem more severe. Any aspect of our life including food, water, clothes, house etc. are all acting as carriers for plastic to reach the body in some form or the other. Even for cosmetics and health care, plastic is used in abundance.
Twenty years ago, for the first time, micro plastics, i.e. particles of 2-5 mm size, were discovered which were either formed by breaking of larger pieces or manufactured specifically for industrial use. After this, nano plastics were also discovered which are of very minuscule in size. This discovery itself points towards serious dangers in the future. Nano means particles that have the ability to reach anywhere and everywhere, are invisible from normal sight and can be embraced with any medium at any moment. While micro particles get accumulated in the body tissues and cause far-reaching effects, nano particles have the dreaded ability to breach the blood brain barrier. Various studies have also made it clear that plastic is also a major factor in increasing? serious conditions like cancer and brain haemorrhage.
The biggest obstacle to the concept of a plastic-free environment on this Earth Day is the lack of a meaningful alternative. Even if some alternatives have been suggested, they are far away from plastic on the basis of ease of handling and convenience. Intensive research is being done in this regard, which will emerge with time and will also be used for good. To get rid of this serious problem at the immediate level, the most important thing is to strengthen the system of plastic handling, recycling and re-use
#WorldEarthDay2024 #PlasticPollution #Planetv/sPlastic UN Environment Programme United Nations MoEF&CC ISWA International Solid Waste Association INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED WASTE MANAGERS Centre for Development Communication, India UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India NITI Aayog Official Siddhant Agrawal CA Shivangi Sultania
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