Climate Reversal Paradox =>Atmospheric  ICCD versus ECCD ...ICCD ="Internal_Climate_Change_Drivers" ...ECCD ="External_Climate_Change_Drivers

Climate Reversal Paradox =>Atmospheric ICCD versus ECCD ...ICCD ="Internal_Climate_Change_Drivers" ...ECCD ="External_Climate_Change_Drivers

Internal drivers versus external drivers ...

The dominant ECCD is probably the sun with 1361 Watts per square meter irradiance shining on the exosphere, 3000km above earth surface.

Although solar irradiance ECCD is in decline over the past 50years, we still see global warming over the past 50 years, so there must be ICCD reversing the rising temperature effect of the measured ECCD in decline :

  • ICCD in exosphere ?
  • ICCD in thermosphere ?
  • ICCD in mesosphere ?
  • ICCD in stratosphere ?
  • ICCD in troposphere ?

On the equator, from the 1361W/m2 we see 340W/m2 getting down to earth surface :

On the equator, from the 1361W/m2 we see 1021W/m2 is absorbed or reflected at higher altitude so warming all higher altitudes 2 times, once in partial absorption before reflection and once after reflection :

Internal effects determine the atmospheric temperature profile over altitude although basically all incoming heat radiations gets out radiated eventually over time if you respect also heat conduction and heat convection in atmospheric gasses and ocean water and in continental land to move the equator heat surplus to the polar heat deficit.

Satellites measure about 240W/m2 earth average atmospheric out radiation from the 1361W/m2 solar irradiance on the exosphere.

So from the 1361W/m2 solar irradiance, 1361-240=1121W/m2 is reflected without getting absorbed by atmospheric mass density :

Below 50km altitude we see 99,9%=999promille=999000ppm of the total atmospheric mass.

So we may expect the 240W/m2 outgoing longwave radiation to come from tropospere+stratosphere=50km altitude or lower as you need atmospheric mass to absorb the solar irradiance and convert the wave length of the photons to the long wave infrared range of the outgoing radiation spectrum.

Some people say that cooling outgoing longwave back radiation greenhouse effect is 7x more affected by water vapor than by CO2 :

H2O=DiHydrogenMonOxide=WaterVapor and CO2=CabonDiOxide both are available in less than 1%=10000ppm of atmosphere :

If go take the 7000ppm water vapor out of the 100%=1000000ppm then you get 0,0427%=427ppmCO2 :

So what should we do for global cooling ?

  • Decarbonize atmosphere ?
  • Dehydrate atmosphere ?

Anyway :

In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But : Health & Climate & Energy are really very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :

CCR="Climate Change Revival.


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