Earth is in Distress and its Defenders are Under Attack.
Defenders Protection Initiative
Contributing to the promotion and protection of human rights, good governance, rule of law, peace & democracy.
The climate crisis is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. The extreme climate change has exposed millions of people to acute food and water insecurity, especially in lower-income areas, from global warming and heat waves to droughts and floods.?
As put by Hoesung Lee, the chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there is urgency for immediate and more ambitious action to address climate risks, and half measures are no longer an option.
This has, of course, been compounded by human action with disregard for environmental sustainability. In Uganda this mainly entails; wetland drainage and deforestation for commercial agriculture and urbanisation, water pollution with plastics and industrial waste, carbon pollution, and destruction of forests due to high dependence on wood fuels (firewood and charcoal). This is often accompanied by human rights violations such as land grabbing for commercial purposes.?
The Plight of LEDs
Despite their crucial role, both organizations and individual defenders of land and environmental rights continue to face intimidation, harassment, arrests, and blacklisting of organizations and legal persecution. The 2023 State of Environmental Human Rights Defenders? in Tanzania, Uganda, and DRC report illustrates how the law is misused to criminalise their work, leaving them vulnerable to judicial and administrative harassment.
These attacks on LEDs underscore a failure to acknowledge the severity of the crisis at hand. “Climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss cannot be addressed without guaranteeing that those who stand up against this triple environmental emergency can safely exercise their fundamental freedoms of expression, association and assembly to do so”, stressed Michel Forst, the UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders.
Collective Action for Climate Resilience and Environmental Defence
In the face of the climate crisis, collective action on the following is imperative to? address the environmental threats and effects of the climate crisis.
Climate Action Now: Taking immediate and intentional steps to address climate threats is crucial. This includes not only reducing carbon emissions but also implementing sustainable practices in the production and consumption of goods such as adopting non-plastic packaging and ethical disposal of industrial waste. Additionally, practising sustainable agriculture like agroforestry and investing in renewable energy sources and promoting eco-friendly technologies.
Climate Resilience: Investing in climate-smart agricultural practices, sustainable land and water management, and empowering communities to effectively prepare, respond and safely navigate the effects of climate change, such as floods, heatwaves, and landslides.
Recognition and Support of LEDs. It is crucial to recognize their contributions and provide support through appropriate laws, implementation mechanisms that protect environmental defenders from harassment, intimidation, and violence. Additionally, providing access to resources both human and financial to continue their work.
Their efforts to protect ecosystems, advocate for sustainable practices, and hold governments and corporations accountable are invaluable, and adequate resources for their work.
International Solidarity and Commitment: International solidarity is essential for tackling climate challenges effectively. This includes sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices among nations to adapt to climate change impacts and build resilience in vulnerable communities.