Earth Day: Together We Can Make an Impact
The Cloudburst Group
Solutions for global development, housing, and health in the U.S. and internationally.
Happy Earth Day! Today as we celebrate our complex and beautiful planet and reflect on the importance of sustainability, our focus is on the production and consumption of single-use plastic. Humans purchase one million plastic bottles every minute, and consume up to five trillion plastic bags every year. We use half of all plastic produced just one time and throw it away.*
Most plastic items never fully disappear; they simply break down into smaller pieces. They circulate through air, land, and water, and once small enough, they can enter fauna through inhalation and absorption and accumulate in organs. Microplastics have been found in human lungs, livers, spleens, and kidneys; a study recently detected microplastics in the placentas of newborn babies.*
But, we don’t have to let plastics take over our planet and bodies. Here’s five things we can do to reduce plastic in our lives:
As environmental compliance, disaster resilience, and sustainability experts, Cloudburst’s work integrates climate considerations into domestic and international programming and builds oversight capacity of communities across the globe. These efforts have enforced the importance of ensuring that indigenous, vulnerable, and marginalized populations and communities are prioritized in efforts to integrate environmental sustainability into resiliency planning and disaster response and recovery.
Cloudburst is driven to achieve sustainable environmental development through a diverse portfolio of projects that promote climate mitigation and adaptation. We lead domestic and international efforts to ensure environmental compliance and foster adaptations needed to respond to climate change. We provide training on environmental regulations, help guide policymaking, and review processes to help our clients comply with environmental laws through in-depth analysis of the physical, biological, and social impacts of their interventions.
Together, through our collective environmental sustainability efforts, we can work to reduce plastics and to restore the health of the planet and its people.?
To learn more about plastic impact on the planet:
To host a cleanup:
To learn more about Cloudburst’s environment and climate resiliency work: