Where did Earth get its name?
God created all things. He created the elements which occupy four levels.
Fire is the lightest in weight and the brightest in density, therefore Fire is the highest level. Its nature is to rise.
Air being a gas is heavier than Fire and is clear and transparent in density. Its nature is to mediate Fire and Water. Air which is a gas, provides fuel to the Fire element by offering atomized particles of Water delivering it up through the air element level mixing it with Air as as it rises to fuel and intensify the Fire element which is above it. It also transfers heat and energy down from the Fire element by radiating Divinely measured amounts projecting it down through the Air element to the Water element below. This warming of the Water element enables life to occur.
Water being liquid is heavier than Air and is translucent in density. Its nature is to create and support life in all forms.
Earth being solid firmament is the heaviest of the four elements and is opaque in density. Its nature is to coagulate in mass providing a base for all living things.
When we view the Earth from space we see its image revealed by the Fire of the Sun which is above. Next we see the atmosphere which is gaseous or Air. Continuing down we see the clouds and oceans which are liquid or Water. Continuing further we come to surface land which is Earth.
God created the elements, Fire, Air, Water and Earth for reasons beyond the scope of our understanding. Man created the periodic table which are not elements. Rather, they are components of Earth material produced in the crucible of magma. These components interact with the Fire of the Sun, Air of our atmosphere, Water of our oceans and Earth of our land. This interaction is coupled with the Divine Electro-Magnetic principles and churned by the rotation of the Earth Sphere.
No matter where we stand on this planet, up is above and Earth is below. Above us are clouds which are Water, around and above the clouds is Earths atmosphere which is Air. All of which is exposed to sunlight which is Fire!
All things within the influence of Earths gravity fall to Earth sooner or later. Galileo Galilei illustrated this in 1592.
Earth’s name came from the element of Earth which is the firmament or base of the four elements. Just as the ingredients of a salad dressing settle to the bottom of the jar when it rests, so too has man settled from his fall from paradise to settle onto Earth.
God in his Divine Wisdom named our planet Earth to be the home for mankind. Earth the planet, is an expression of the most dense of the four elements and is the place where man will learn the genius of God through living his life in the time allowed him.