EARS' Interview with Roxanne Feller, Secretary General at IFAH-Europe (International Federation for Animal Health Europe)

EARS' Interview with Roxanne Feller, Secretary General at IFAH-Europe (International Federation for Animal Health Europe)

Have you ever worked with a leader that inspired you in your career, and how?

In the mid-1990s, I worked with the remarkable Rosa Pruna Esteve, who was the chair of the Women Farmers Committee. She is an incredible woman, who never gives up and fights for her beliefs.

She was the first woman to be president of a national farmers’ association in her country, Spain. She taught me that I could achieve my professional and private goals through mutual respect, patience, determination and passion.

How would you describe IFAH-Europe’s approach to Brussels engagement?

We have to be ready both to position ourselves and to answer any questions for the Commission during consultations. At the same time, we are looking for appropriate platforms and opportunities to put our industry’s priorities on the political agenda. So, we try to strike a balance between proactivity and reactivity. With regard to recent negative press coverage of overuse of antibiotics in livestock, we need to promote the animal health and welfare reasons why antibiotics are needed. So, we are proactive by organising events to show how our partners deal with anti-microbial resistance issues.

Have you seen a change over time in the way that your industry and your association engage in the Brussels arena? If so, in what way?

Although we have a strong foundation of regulatory and technical expertise, in particular since the creation of the European Medicines Agency in 1995, we have become increasingly political in recent years. Therefore, we are reinforcing our political actions and inputs. We are increasing our visibility in the mainstream and trade press as well as social media to increase public awareness of our activities.

Do you think social media have also driven this change? People seem a lot more engaged with social media.

It has changed the way we communicate. Social media demand short, sharp messages to be shared online quickly, otherwise you are forgotten. It is vital when political topics such as Antibiotic Resistance (AMR) are high on the agenda. It also lets us share our positions and visions to the broadest audience possible.

Have there been any major upheavals/crises in your sector?

Fortunately, there have been no crises, but rather a number of hot topics, such as the current social-political environment calling for a total ban on the use of antibiotics in animals. This creates a threat where veterinarians may no longer be allowed to use these antibiotics for sick animals, which could be damaging not only for the health of the animals, but also for their welfare. We support an approach deploying greater care in prescribing antibiotics in both humans and animals and encourage innovation.

What is the most surprising thing you have experienced in your career, and what is the most humbling?

My career path is probably the most surprising thing. I began my career as a lawyer in Switzerland and 25 years later find myself in Brussels leading an important European trade association. I could not have predicted that.

The most humbling experience was receiving a handwritten card from one of my members. It had just two words, “Thank you”. It meant so much to me that someone had taken the time to send me a card by post.

What is the smallest change in your organisation that has yielded the biggest result?

Undoubtedly, it must be organising “Monday Morning” staff meetings with all my colleagues. As we are a team of ten people, we are too small for “middle management only” meetings, but too large for everyone to know what colleagues are working on. They are short and to the point: no longer than an hour and stimulate dialogue that improves mutual understanding of each other’s priorities and activities.

Do you see increased transparency and wider consultation as positive or negative for your industry and for trade bodies in general?

Increased transparency and wider consultation are essential! As a Swiss native, I can only support a democratic approach!   

As the head of a major trade association, what is a nightmare scenario for you?

If my members cut my budget in half, it would be a total nightmare. I would need to lose people and expertise from my team.

What is the most difficult aspect of sharing your vision with your employees and your members?

After 25 years of working in the “Brussels Bubble”, I am comfortable with politics and networking. However, most of my members and colleagues are technical and regulatory experts; not surprising given that veterinary medicine sector is one of the most regulated in Europe. My vision has always been: “greater visibility for greater impact”. My challenge is to make the organisation more political. A greater challenge is finding the tools to measure and evaluate our political impact.

Is there anything you have personally achieved or done that would surprise people?

Although I was (and still am) afraid of heights, I did bungee jumping in New Zealand. I am also a jewellery lover; not simply buying and wearing it. I used to make statement jewellery for myself and friends using beads and stones.

What’s the most influential book you’ve read or film you’ve seen?

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I was young when I read it and it taught me to trust myself and not listen to others, moving forward and being the best at what you do. This has been a golden thread in my life and is how I raised my children. My favourite quote is, “A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others”.

Any other inspirations?

I recently heard this African proverb which reflects very much what I believe in be it at work , with friends, or at home with my family : If you want to go fast, go alone – If you want to go far, go together!

Last thoughts?

Animals get sick too and just like humans, they deserve care. The benefits of healthy animals on mankind are huge. Never forget that 60% of disease is transferred to humans from animals; healthy animals mean healthy people.


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