Earning Acceptance | Part One
Erin Crisp, Ed.D.
Educational leader within the University of Tennessee System and the Tennessee Grow Your Own Center
In October, 2018, IWU- National and Global established the Strategic Program Launch team first, to refine the new program launch process, and second, to develop avenues for robust research and development for the purpose of growing enrollment. The team consists of five members – an executive director, a director of research, budget analyst, project manager and design thinking strategist. Because the team is new, we were often met with questions such as "Who are you again?" And "What exactly do you do?" We operate in a large organization that has maintained the same departmental structure for many years. Below are insights into how we earned acceptance as a team among our colleagues.
- Connection to the strategic plan: Everything we do is clearly connected to National and Global's strategic plan. We are, after all, called Strategic Program Launch, so it makes sense that what we do closely aligns with our overall strategy. The SPL team is charged with driving us closer to our enrollment targets and supporting the new program needs of our educational partnerships. Others see this focus on strategy and it lends us credibility.
- Building relationships: This just might be the number one key to leading when you're not the one in charge. The SPL team has made a conscious effort to get to know our co-workers on a personal level. It creates a common bond between us and a trust that is stronger than that of typical worker bees, simply carrying out their respective duties. Asking questions and listening more than talking or telling is key. We can learn so much from each other, and learning doesn't happen unless we all share our knowledge. We assume positive intent. Each of our conversations and meetings begin with the assumption that everyone has the best interest of the university in mind. External relationships are important, but our team camaraderie is just as vital. The genuine fun we have together is contagious. Everyone wants to be part of a fun and fulfilling work environment. That starts with us. Our hope is that others see this and can emulate it within their own teams. We seek to draw other teams into our fun by including creative activities and brainstorming into many of our meetings with other teams and departments. Our fun atmosphere makes others want to be involved.
- Risk taking: Everyone is risk averse at times, but if risk aversion becomes fear of the unknown, we stifle any chance of creative innovation. SPL seeks to demonstrate to the IWU community that it's okay to take a risk, even if it means failing. It's better to try something radical, than to do the same things expecting a different outcome. Now, we're not saying to try every whim that comes to mind. We make solid data-informed decisions and build strong cases for our ideas. We've been blessed so far that some of our hair-brained ideas have been successful. However, the more important lesson is that we tried something new. We took our idea to leadership and they were excited to see the innovation. Now more than ever, our leaders are interested in great ideas, no matter how small, and no matter where they originated. Let us take advantage of this innovative leadership team, as they encourage out-of-the-box thinking.
Read more in Part 2... from Amber Simos, Director of Market Research