Earn your tomorrow, make it worth.

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Whether the people are born clever or do they become clever through hard work and good teaching? It is a debate as timeless as the age-old controversy about the chicken and the egg.

Life is not a puzzle but it is a mystery that gives us the hope to evolve and exist. Therefore, it is reasonable to quote that the answer to these debates are hidden in the mystery of life. People rediscover themselves consciously or unconsciously on a daily basis through life experiences and imaginations.

Every living (organic) soul is equal to none and that is a fact. Whether we inherited influences such as our genes and physiological make-up or how our life has influenced us through our experiences. Whether our mind was as a blank slate at birth and all the knowledge and understanding is ascertained through life experiences or that we learn through observation and imitation. After all, we must remember that the closet rational for our existence today is the fact we successfully earned it yesterday.

Life is a battlefield and you need to fight your battles every single day. Your mission is to prepare yourself to thrive but not merely to survive. This is why you need to get real and be serious irrespective of your social status, perceptions and beliefs. You are given 86,400 seconds to celebrate your victories, reflect and strategize your mission to earn another day and repeat this cycle for the rest of your life.

Therefore, it is empirical that you map out your actions and train your mind to make thought decisions without wandering around to find the cosmic Genie to grant your philosophical wishes and expect the unexpected consequences.

Choose your battles wisely

First and foremost it is important to clam yourself before choosing your battles, always remember to keep the end in mind, reevaluate your decisions, stance and if you are not convinced, don’t hesitate to make changes and start over if required. There is a deep rooted “win-at-all-costs” ego within all of us that can right the wrong to satisfy our hunger to win.

In order to win the war you must pick the right battles, because not every battle worth fighting. Everyone knows the theory but seldom practice it. Therefore, it is pivotal to keep reminding yourself as to why you are in this battle for what like a prayer. It is quite natural as a fighter to want what’s best to happen. However in most scenarios you get up and fight thinking it is for the right cause but some actions or inactions may lead you to irreversible costly mistakes.

Therefore, train yourself not to get paralyzed by the exaggerated notions that echoes in your mind and keep the thought of “winning is everything” out of your mind. At the end winning doesn’t matter as much as we think it does but, YOU. And you are your biggest opponent in this war.    

Take control of your inner voice

Your decisions will have a greater influence in terms of shaping your destiny, irrespective of whether the decision you are making is big or small, significant or insignificant, it doesn’t make a big difference but, it is the moments of decision you make decide the ultimate consequences.

Aside from all the distractions, typically we all want to be right when making important decisions and we expect those decisions to be logical and rational. To that, we need support from the circle of people around us who can give honest feedback, share their opinions based on life experiences, guidance and encouragement hence, choosing the right people in your lives turns out to be very important too.

That being said, sometimes we tend to sway by the opinions of others over our own intuition. This is where people likely to get crash and burn. If you completely palm off the entire decision making process in the hands of others and let them make decisions for you, then you are allowing others to control the direction of your life.

It is not wise to use your limited time and allow others to define you in your own battle, instead you can use their support and blessings to lead the battle towards the victory. There is no doubt about it that your battle can be hard but, “no pain – no gain”. Therefore you need to pull up your socks and be ready to do everything within your control to constantly build yourself up rather than tear yourself down.

Another pivotal aspect is that you need to take a stock of your values, strengths, development areas, perceptions, beliefs and most importantly your priorities aligned to your purpose. These aspects can directly influence your decision making process.

Our mind is a powerful weapon that has the ability to regulate different life experiences from how we perceive them to how we react. Your inner voice is what really actuates your mind either to lift you up or push you down. Therefore, it is a great deal to learn the art of controlling this weapon instead let it control you. In your mind there is a fight between the good wolf and the bad one, the ultimate result solely depends on the wolf you choose to feed.

Similarly, if you want to experience a beautiful tomorrow, then make deliberate conscious efforts to feed positive thoughts to your mind from what you hear, see, feel and think. Thereby allow your mind to choose how it should react to what happens today rather than to overlook your thought process and assume that you have no control over what happens.

Also, don’t dwell too much in the past and get swept away in doom and gloom. For this purpose it is important to note the biggest flaw in our lives that is, we hardly feel confident or sure about our capabilities and potentials because of what happened in the past. That being said, ironically the past incidents can put you to a place where you will be confused to understand whether the inactions in past occurred due to you being scared to face the reality or you didn’t take any actions because it is not worth it.

You need to understand the inadequacy about your self-worthiness can throw you into a black hole paralyzing your ability to taste the success at the end. Hence, do not let the past haunt the unborn future. Despite dwelling in the past too much, be wise enough to extract the priceless experiences from those actions and consequences learnt from those inactions to make rational decisions to move your life forward.

In addition a well controlled inner voice can carefully differentiate right from wrong, can help you to navigate through different situations and decisions you come across. Interestingly, it also can help you to build the right mindset and generate positive thoughts to visualize, plan your next move and right the platform go and implement your best course of actions in the best possible way.

In fact, listening to your inner voice in times of uncertainty is even more important to go through the fear and panic that can prevail during those times. It can offer sense of hope and flourish new perspectives to rise above the ashes. Let us not forget that, positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts, and so does negative thoughts. Hence, train yourself to pay attention and take control of your thoughts, always be aware of your ego and be mindful of what you are feeding your mind.

Above all you must remember that you are here to win the war not one or two battles. You must use these 86400 seconds effectively to define your tomorrow and make it worth. As Lord Buddha said “All that we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything and we are what we think.

Deshan Wijesinghe


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