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Cars. Vacations. Cash. Turn your network into your net worth. We have the best affiliate program anywhere, and it is free to join.
The Best Bonuses
Free Car
Sign up 50 people to our unlimited plan and you get $500 a month towards a car payment.
Free Vacations
The top seller every month earns a free vacation on us, you just pay for travel. (10 sale minimum to qualify)
Easy setup
Sign-up, create your own links, and share them. It's that simple. Sticky Cookies track your purchases for 90 days. Anyone clicks on your link and purchases within 3 months you are getting paid!
Easy Commissions
Everyone starts at 10% commission. If you bring 2 affiliates on board and they make 10 sales you go to 15%. When you get to 10 sales of our unlimited plan, you get 20% commissions.
The Big Bonus
Every 100 people you get on the unlimited plan you get a $5000 bonus. You'll also get $1000 a month towards a dream car instead of $500
Even more
We like a competitive nature in our affiliates, we'll be giving away all sorts of goodies throughout the year.
We wish we could just throw money away, unfortunately you have to earn the "fun coupons"
We think it's very realistic to get 10 sales a month if you are working the program. At our unlimited plan, ten sales a month would earn you $199 in the first month. Don't let that discourage you. If you got 10 sales a month your commission doubles, by month 12 that's $3980 a month, a $5000 bonus, and an extra $1000 a month for a car (you can use it for whatever you want, technically, but we prefer to think it's going towards an Italian sports car). That's over $64,000 a year from 10 sales a month.
You have nothing to lose.