Early stage startup program
We have collaborated with an startup consulting firm/accelerator to bring your idea to live , and help you secure funding. This is 6 month program in which first three month is about building the MVP(minimal viable product) for you and second 3 month is invested in launching and getting the funding for you.
The journey breakdown:
1. Requirement analysis
2. Design - in 15 days
3. Development
4. Launch - in 3 months
5. Funding
6. Go live - in next 3 month
In this model, we don't follow normal software development process in which things cannot change, while we are in development. Only fixed cost and some percentage for funding help. Reach out to me for details. My email: mihir@micrasystems.com and cell no. 9899458880
There is a team of experienced IT professionals(IIT grads, CTOs in top firms and other ) and investment bankers(IIM grads and funding experts..) behind it.