In the early church, why was a woman instructed to wear a head covering while a man didn’t have to?
My new book, Who Says, Women Can’t Lead? has just been published. To read the description and order please go to my website and click on BOOKS.
Here is the back-cover summary.
I’m sure you have heard many of these comments as to why a woman can’t be called to a leadership position in the church.
God only calls males.
God made Adam first.
The husband is the head of the wife.
The wife is to be a help meet, a servant, to her husband.
A woman is more prone to deception.
This is God’s order.
Most, if not all, of these reasons, are based on biblical interpretation and cultural influences.
What if I told you that all of these reasons could actually be unsupported by biblical interpretation and cultural influences and that just the opposite could be true? Would you believe me?
This book will present both circumstantial and direct Biblical evidence that will attempt to prove that a woman can be called to a leadership position in the church.
What will be the conclusion?
Are you ready to find out?