Early Christianity & Absolution - A license To Kill

Early Christianity & Absolution - A license To Kill

A license to kill non-Christians, followed by absolution. (a remission of sins pronounced by a priest; as in the sacrament of reconciliation).

??“In the?New Testament?the grace of forgiveness is seen as originating in?Jesus Christ?and being subsequently extended to sinners by members of the Christian priesthood.”


“Gallows were made just high enough so the feet would not touch the ground and the Indians hung in numbers of thirteen –a symbolic honor–to Christ and his twelve Apostles.”

“Old and New Testament scriptures have often been misinterpreted by Christians and caused the Christian religion to become a war-mongering, imperialistic religion, whose followers believe that they were instructed by God to invade the homelands of non-Christian peoples. They have taken possession of lands, resources and annihilated many of the indigenous inhabitants. They have exploited and subjugated the remaining innocent indigenous peoples.

The indigenous peoples of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, have tragically witnessed what Christian have done.” [17]

In The Pillory, a book written by John Bond, the writer noted that the Papacy of Alexander VI, “was one of the darkest moments in Christendom”.?It is a tale of scandal, crime, concubines and children.?He wrote that Romanism and its destructive tenets have not changed since the time of the Borgia. His observation of this institution is correct and supported by the (recent) filings of lengthy streams of litigation against the Roman Catholic Church.

Bond noted, “through the ages, the church has had some good men who protested against popery as a malignant excrescence on the body of the Christian religion.?The Protestant Reformation dealt the first great blow to the blasphemous claims of the popes.”?German Monk Martin Luther (1463 - 1546) aided by the invention of the printing press, was able to disseminate information and revealed their corrupt policies.??????

For many years many blacks did not believe in the Christian church because it sanctioned slavery; slavery was one of the foundational bricks of the church.

In 362 AD a Church Council at Gangra in Asia Minor excommunicated anyone encouraging a slave to despise his master or to withdraw from his service. This would in time be incorporated into Church Law, where it would remain from the 13th to the 20th century.

Soon the Church became the largest slave owner in the Roman Empire. Bishops themselves owned slaves and accepted the usual conventions. Other churchmen did the same.

The Christians at that time needed instructions on how to be real Christians.

The Roman Catholic Church created this historically evil philosophy (slavery). It stayed in place until 1917, when the church reluctantly,??recanted and finally ended its perverse obsession with slavery.?????????

As stated in Richard A. Haggerty’s, Haiti: A Country Study

The Inter Caetera papal bull by Pope Alexander VI stated, “We trust in Him from whom empires, and governments, and all good things proceed.”

This laid the legal foundation for assuming that government comes only from the Christian god and therefore Christian nations have a legal right to rule over non-Christian nations. The late Vine Deloria in his “Afterword,” for America in 1492: The World of Indian Peoples Before the Arrival of Columbus wrote:

“Thus armed with a totally bogus title issued by God’s representative on earth, the Spaniards then began a brutal conquest in the Americas which virtually obliterated the native populations in the Caribbean within a generation.”

The discovery of Indians presented some problems for Europeans since they were not mentioned in the Christian Bible: the Native Americans did not fit within orthodox Christianity’s explanation of the moral universe.

Following Columbus' discovery, Pope Alexander VI issued a May 4, 1493, papal bull granting official ownership of the New World to Ferdinand and Isabella. To these monarchs, the Pope declared:

"We of our own motion, and not at your solicitation, do give, concede, and assign for ever to you and your successors, all the islands, and main lands, discovered; and which may hereafter, be discovered, towards the west and south; whether they be situated towards India, or towards any other part whatsoever, and give you absolute power in them.

"The Pope's declaration ultimately had dire consequences for native inhabitants of the Americas. Beginning in 1514 Spanish conquerors adopted "the Requirement," an ultimatum in which Indians were forced to accept "the Church as the Ruler and Superior of the whole world" or face persecution. If Indians did not immediately comply, the Requirement warned them:

"We shall take you and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them as their Highnesses may command; and we shall take away your goods, and shall do all the harm and damage that we can."

Often the Requirement was read to Indians without translation, or in some cases read even from ships before crew members landed to kill Indians and take slaves. Thus began a campaign of violence, ignorance and illiteracy that was the precursor of things to come in the New World.

What is it that compels these – so called – messengers of Christ’s gospel, to treat other race of people like common (and convicted) criminals?[14]

Spain’s conquest of the Lands of the Americas, Mexico and the Indies inspired many books and paintings.???Within months of??their arrival in Santo Domingo (Haiti) the Spaniards slaughtered many of the natives who were peaceably going about their daily routines. The natives were usually terror stricken and offered feeble resistance.?Some of the Spanish and Portuguese adventurers believed that “finally our Lord, God. Who reward the every good deed, would reward them for taking risk for his service (what irony) and would reward their victory over their enemies with praise and profits for their labors.

It is believed that so many of the natives were killed that many were left in shock, grief and hatred of the name Christian, which left them with much bitterness. Here was a people who had harmed no sailor; a people with feeble weapons; a people who owed no debt to the Spanish or the Portuguese

The efforts of Bartolome de Las Casas to aid the indigenous peoples of these countries from?the cruelty of Spanish and Portuguese adventurers and land grabbers?are documented in some of the books and paintings.

"Tell me by what right of justice do you hold these Indians in such a cruel and horrible servitude? On what authority have you waged such detestable wars against these people who dealt quietly and peacefully on their own lands? Wars in which you have destroyed such an infinite number of them by homicides and slaughters never heard of before.”

?Bartolome de Las Casas (1474 – 1556), was an early Spanish conquestodor, historian and Dominican Missionary in the Americas, who persuaded the Spanish Empire that “the indigenous inhabitants deserved human treatment”.

Bartolomé de Las Casas was the first to expose the oppression of the native peoples by Europeans in the Americas and to call for the abolition of slavery there.

“Ordinarily, the Christians employed two (main) methods to eliminating these nations from existence. The first was by slaying all those who dared to think of liberty, or even attempt to escape the torments they suffered. The other method employed, was the launching of tyrannous, cruel, and unjust wars.”

In December 1511, a Dominican preacher Fray Antonio de Montesinos preached a fiery sermon that implicated the colonists in the genocide of the native peoples. He is said to have preached, "Tell me by what right of justice do you hold these Indians in such a cruel and horrible servitude? On what authority have you waged such detestable wars against these people who dealt quietly and peacefully on their own lands? Wars in which you have destroyed such an infinite number of them by homicides and slaughters never heard of before. Why do you keep them so oppressed and exhausted, without giving them enough to eat or curing them of the sicknesses they incur from the excessive labor you give them, and they die, or rather you kill them, in order to extract and acquire gold every day.?

?Ordinarily, the Christians employed two (main) methods to eliminating these nations from existence. The first was by slaying all those who dared to think of liberty, or even attempt to escape the torments they suffered. The other method employed, was the launching of tyrannous, cruel, and unjust wars. Generally, all the native Lords and adult men were killed. Only the young men and women were kept alive to endure the most horrible form of oppression involving servitude the likes of which neither man nor beast should endure.?

?Las Casas' point of view may be described as “being heavily against some of the Spanish methods of colonization, which inflicted a great loss on the indigenous occupants of the islands”. He witnessed and described extensive use of torture, murder, and mutilation visited on the Indians by the Spaniards.


Columbus viewed the Taíno themselves as a way for him to amass personal wealth.?He selected 500 to be exported to Spain as slaves, and 500 to serve as slaves to the Spanish on the Island.?Columbus proudly boasted to the Spanish monarchs about the slave potential and its economic benefits. Columbus captured and exported more Indian slaves, about 5,000, than any other single individual.?In addition to capturing the Indians for enslavement, the Spanish also hunted them for sport and slaughtered them for dog food. The Spanish also viewed Taíno women as their sex slaves.

The Christians made bets on who amongst them could open up bowels, cut off the head in one blow, or slit a man in two.?They used horses, swords and lances to practice strange cruelty against men, women and children.?It mattered not, the age nor condition of the subject. Pregnant women or women in child labor were killed in a manner befitting wild animals.?Babies were taken from their mothers and their heads smashed against the rocks.?Babies and their mothers were spitted together with the sword of the men who took great pride in these dastardly deeds.

"Gallows were made just high enough so the feet would not touch the ground and the Indians hung in numbers of thirteen – a symbolic honor – to Christ and his twelve Apostles."

Las Casas makes clear to us and the people in authority, the character of the European – this Anglo Saxon, a man whose love for gold overrides the instinct of a compassionate human animal, a man who seems to take dastardly delight in opening the gates of hell on the citizens of the towns and villages of most of the world; a situation that has continued for over four hundred years and has led to the destruction of millions of victims.

Old and New Testament scriptures have often been misinterpreted by Christians and caused the Christian religion to become a war-mongering, imperialistic religion, whose followers believe that they were instructed by God to invade the homelands of non-Christian peoples. They have taken possession of lands, resources and annihilated many of the indigenous inhabitants. They have exploited and subjugated the remaining innocent indigenous peoples.

The indigenous peoples of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, have tragically witnessed what Christian have done [17] https://www.amazon.com/IRONY-Theophilus-Nicholson/dp/1520964846

The history of the arrival of the Anglo-Saxon on the world stage provides us with an array of vexing conclusions. While France retained original inhabitance, who became Romanized and outnumbered the invading Franks, the situation was quite different in England. The Barbarians expelled most of the indigenous Celts to Wales, Cornwall, and Scotland in the far western regions of the British Isles. These invaders gave scant attention or virtually ignored most of the Roman achievements already in place.?They introduced a Germanic tribal system of governance and discarded the Roman laws. These pagan conquerors were eventually converted to Christianity by St. Augustine’s mission from Rome at the end of the sixth century. Thus, the Catholic Church – of Rome – initiated the Romanization of the Jutes, Angles and Saxons whom we now call Anglo Saxons. https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/does-loving-god-encourage-violence-theophilus-nicholson/?trackingId=LviXiKpGhpAn8QsZPbGiRA%3D%3D


“THE HEBREW BIBLE STATES THAT DURING THE NIGHT, AN?ANGEL?OF?YAHWEH?BROUGHT DEATH TO 185,000 ASSYRIANS TROOPS.” Note: ?Though biblical accounts generally attribute “divine intervention,” for the Assyrian retreat, journalist Henry Aubin offers us a narrative that– on its own –evoke visions of a miracle: the timely arrival of an army from Kushite Egypt. ?This army was made up of black Africans. Aubin states that these Kushite figured in historical text until the nineteenth century, where after, racist scholars expunged them from the records; a process which he observed, “coincided with the European conquest and colonization of Africa.” https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/does-loving-god-encourage-violence-theophilus-nicholson/?trackingId=eT2iO0k1ntkc7BxRVCyAfg%3D%3D ? ?




??“In the?New Testament?the grace of forgiveness is seen as originating in?Jesus Christ?and being subsequently extended to sinners by members of the Christian priesthood.”



