early childhood education and "CARE"
"Building safe relationships between children and adults is the most important pedagogical task in day-care." (Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA) & Ministry of Children and Social Affairs, 2018b)
A caring relationship with an adult is essential for children's development. A focal point of the social pedagogical approach is a focus on giving children in day-care, the security and attention they need.
The interaction between the child and the adult must be characterized by the adult investing in the child with presence and recognition.
The child must feel valued, as an equal and contributed part of the community
This article basically refers to a report on a study of children's opportunities to create a secure connection with the teachers in the day care. (B?rns Vilk?r and Stryhns Familieselskab, 2019) The term adults, educator and teacher in this article refers all to the caregivers the child meets in the day care. They are the subject of the same person. In addition, both perspectives and references from practice are included, all in order to highlight and qualify the understanding of the important "Care" in everyday life.
The subject is incredibly complex, and a truth rarely stands alone - Therefore, I just hope to contribute inspiration for further reflection.(The translation of references is the work of Michael Hall Larsen. Thus, this is also Michael's own interpretation of the article - He refer to the full article) The full article can be accessed via the link: https://bornsvilkar.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/BV_Tryghed_Rapport_Web.pdf
It's about care
Children need to form close relationships with stable and caring adults in their day care. A trusting relationship develops, among other things, when the child experiences that the adult in the day-care is available and responsive to the child's signals, can accommodate the child's feelings and responds to them, e.g. by comforting when the child is upset, or by sharing joy and excitement with the child. (B?rns Vilk?r and Stryhns Familieselskab 2019)
Day-care should help to support the good childhood, understood as a life where there is room, time and quiet to be a child, and where a close and trustworthy teacher gives the child the presence, care and confidence to learn and develop. Children are understood as competent individuals who need positive expectations and trust from the teacher. (Danish Ministry of Children and Education, 2020)
Care is more than “take care of”
Care is a specific relationship between people characterized by the fact that one person focuses on another person and acts in a way which serves the other person and supports his / her well-being, learning and development towards a personal “education” (Agnete Diderichsen, 1991)
The adult shows a specific emotional attitude, openness and sensitivity and strives to understand the child’s perspective (Nel Noddings, 1984)
Care, relationships and the well-being of the child are undeniably linked.
It relates in my optics, in many ways, to the good childhood life
A child who feels recognized, seen, heard and involved in everyday life contributes to the child's development of a positive self-understanding. Childhood has a value in itself! And childhood must be experienced as valuable to the individual child.
As a Principal, I experience in everyday life the importance of children having a sense of belonging to something special, more than anything else. I experience it has a positive meaning for children if they have relationships with one or more significant adults in the day-care. When the mother and father drop off the child in the morning, it is important for the child to enter the day-care competently.
Meeting recognizable adults and recognizable friends, ensure that this transition from home to day care gets good terms. This is an area of focus for the educators As soon as possible, work must be done to establish a relationship with both the child and its parents. It requires a joint effort to ensure a child's well-being. It has a positive effect on children if they experience being well-liked and welcome when they arrive in the day care in the morning and of course also during the day.
All children in the day-care need to be met with equal joy and interest by the adults in their day care. (B?rns Vilk?r and Stryhns Familieselskab, 2019)
Children are different and the path to relationship formation requires a persistent educator who is both curious and accommodating.
An educator must be extra clear in showing signals that give the child the impression of
This can be expressed, for example, through clear body language. By extending the arms out to greet the child and offer a hug. Or by inviting the child to have his / her need for closeness met by asking if the child needs a hug when he / she is upset or angry. This insistent involvement shows care and indicates that you want the child and the relationship. We see that children develop self-esteem when they engage in relationships with meaningful others, appreciated by close, confident educators.
You can think of the caring relationship as a foundation that gives the child the best conditions for its well-being, learning, development and formation.
Investing in the relationship is perhaps the best investment the day-care can make
My recommendations
erhaps CARE in the context of Early Childhood Education can be expressed through the following conditions and actions:
Basically that the child feels equal and an important part of the community
Preschool Lead Teacher
3 年Care is more than - Take care of! Here is how I visualize C.A.R.E. C is for COMPASSION - Cultivate "Compassion" in children. Use it as a classroom management tool. Give the children an opportunity to practice compassion in their daily life. A is for ACCEPTANCE - Accept their thoughts and feelings. R is for RESPECT- Respect all children. Stop and truly listen to their words. E is for EMPATHY - Empathize with your child. Michael, thank you writing another inspiring articles on Perspective of Care in Early Childhood Education.